March 10th Worship Materials

Worship Recording

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March Newsletter

The March edition of Bethany Branches is now available.

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March 3rd Worship Materials

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February 25th Worship Materials

Worship Recording

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Join us Wednesday, February 21

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February 18th Worship Materials

Worship Recording

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Lent Resources

As we begin our Lenten journey tomorrow, Ash Wednesday, here are a few resources that may be beneficial.

Southeastern Iowa Synod – The Office of the Bishop has provided a daily devotional during Lent. You may sign up to receive this on their website here. Additionally, there is a PDF of a congregational resource that you could use individually.

Journey to the Cross daily Bible readings – This resources is from Church Art Pro that we subscribe to and use for our calendar and clipart. You may download it below. Copies are also available at church.

Lent Daily Renewal Practices – This resource was prepared last year by Pastor Chad. While the dates may be wrong, the practices could still be utilized again this year. It is located on our website by clicking here.

“Gathered Into One” is a Lent devotional produced by Augsburg Fortress. An eBook copy can be purchased from their website for $2.99 by clicking here.

Luther Seminary Devotional – Click here to go the website of Luther Seminary to download their devotional “Lord Jesus, You Shall Be My Song.” Copies will also be available at church.

Lent Kindness Challenge – Share kindness as a Lenten practice. This resource is from Sparkhouse. Our curriculum for Sunday School and Faith Formation is from Sparkhouse. You can download the Kindness Challenge below.

Holy Week & Easter Reading Guide – This is another resource from Sparkhouse. You can download it below.

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Ash Wednesday Worship

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Ash Wednesday Worship

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February 11, 2024

Worship Video

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