God’s work. Our hands. Sunday

Each year Bethany Lutheran joins with thousands of other congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America for the annual “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday.  This is a dedicated day of service as we respond to God’s grace in service and together do God’s work with our hands.  

On September 8, 2024 the people of God at Bethany once again dawned their yellow shirts, worshipped their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and then went to work through a variety of service projects including: cleaning around headstones at the West Branch Cemetery, projects at members houses, work at the West Branch Dog Park, personal relief kits for Lutheran World Relief, and projects around the grounds of the church. A video recap of the day can be viewed below.

2023 GWOH Video Recap

Here are some of the projects we have done in the past:

  • Work with town of West Branch
    • Spread mulch at cemetery and Beranek Park
    • Paint exterior of Bathrooms at Beranek Park
    • Various projects at the West Branch Public Library including painting of community room, gazebo, and landscape work.
    • Other miscellaneous cleanup
  • Clean outside of homes for elderly parishioners and others in need
  • Pack meals for Kids Against Hunger
  • Make bibs for a non-profit daycare
  • Trim branches along the Hoover Trail
  • Wash windows, pull weeds, and clean out gutters for Families Inc.
  • Various projects around the church property
  • Host a car wash with donations going to support the Backpack Program that sends food supplies home over the weekend for elementary students in our community
  • Make personal care kits for Lutheran World Relief
  • Make quilts to go to a variety of places and people such as the Domestic Violence shelter, Children’s Hospital, Crestview Specialty Care, and Ronald McDonald House.
  • Make greeting cards for the people of Crestview Special Care.
  • Free community drive-thru spaghetti dinner