Author Archives: Pastor

Bring an item of food to worship Sunday please

Please worship with us this Sunday (and every Sunday) at 9:30 AM. This week we study the story of Jesus feeding the multitudes in John 6. As part of the children’s message I am inviting everyone to bring a food … Continue reading

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VBS Video Recap

Click here to see a video created by Courtney Heid and shown to the kiddos and parents on the final night of VBS. Thanks to all the pictures taken by many over the week.

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Vacation Bible School Update

We are so ready to start the party and celebrate the good news; however, with the high probability of severe storms this afternoon and into the evening, we have cancelled VBS tonight. VBS will now be held Tuesday-Friday. Thank you … Continue reading

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Iowa Flood Relief Efforts

Have you wondered how you can assist our neighbors in northwest Iowa with flood relief efforts? Visit the website of the Western Iowa Synod (ELCA) or their Facebook page for more information. See the image below on how to donate … Continue reading

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Faith Forward

Earlier this year, Bethany was chosen to be part of an exciting new initiative through Grandview University called Faith Forward. For more information, click the “Faith Forward” tab in the menu bar above this post (just under the picture of … Continue reading

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Vacation Bible School Updates

Register today to be part of our VBS program on July 15-18! Link: You can find more information about this summer’s Vacation Bible School on the first page of the registration form linked below. We also have a Facebook … Continue reading

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June/July Newsletter

The June/July edition of Bethany Branches is now available by clicking here.

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Tornado Relief

Are you wondering how you can be the hands and feet of Christ to our fellow neighbors in their time of need following recent tornadoes and violent storms? One way is to make a donation to Lutheran Disaster Response. Additionally, … Continue reading

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No Community Meal in May

Due to the Memorial Day weekend and also that it’s graduation Sunday, there will be no fourth Sunday community meal this month. Please stay tuned on when the next meal is. If you are willing to provide a meal, please … Continue reading

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Stewardship Page

Please visit our new stewardship page, which the committee will be working on to update.

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