October Newsletter

The October Newsletter is done and can be found below.

October 2013 Newsletter

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“God’s work, Our hands” Sunday Photos

Here are some photos from “God’s work, our hands” Sunday September 8.

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Stewardship Newsletter

The quarterly Stewardship Newsletter is done and can be accessed below.

September 2013 Stewardship Newsletter

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God’s work, Our hands Sunday!

See attached flier regarding the planned projects we will be taking part in this coming Sunday, Sept. 8 as we join with our other brothers and sisters in Christ of the ELCA.

God’s Work Our Hands Sunday Flier

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Upcoming Synod wide Women’s Retreat

See below announcement from the Synod weekly E-Newsletter.

Annual Women’s Retreat

You are invited to join with women of the Southeastern Iowa Synod for an interactive retreat where the wisdom of our presenter, Barbara M. Szweda, will blend with the wisdom of all the women gathered. Sponsored by First Evangelical Lutheran Church in Centerville, IA, “Companion on the Journey” is a women’s retreat focused around learning how to be a companion to our neighbor down the street and to our global neighbor as we travel together through our life journey.

October 25, 6:00 pm – October 27, Noon

Grey Goose Inn, Lake Rathbun

Registration Fee: $150 (double room) or $175 (single room)

Registration deadline is September 15. For more information on how to register, contact First Evangelical Lutheran church at 641-856-3937 or email [email protected]

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Updated Affirmation of Baptism Schedules

Here are the updated and most current Affirmation of Baptism schedules for the current academic year.

Sept-Dec 2013 Schedule

Jan-May 2014 Schedule

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Parking Lot Expansion Project

In addition to the letter that was emailed or sent earlier this week please find enclosed additional information regarding the possible expansion of the church parking lot.

Proposed Parking Lot Process

Parking Lot Diagram

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First Communion is Coming

We will be offering a class for those interested in first communion.  A tentative date has been set for Monday evening October 21. (Time tobe determined) with first communion taking place on Reformation Sunday October 27.

It is our belief that a child does not need to be a certain age to take communion; however, some education is required so that the child will have a basic understanding of this sacrament. The decision of whether or not a child is ready is made between the parents/guardian and Pastor.  Traditionally, we have done first communion to kids in the 3rd grade.

If interested please let Pastor Chad know as soon as possible so supplies can be ordered.

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Upcoming EPIC Events

Please find below the schedule of upcoming EPIC events.  Reminder that if you are wanting to go to Adventureland to please let Amanda know as soon as possible.

Upcoming EPIC Events

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2013-2014 Sunday Adult Forum Schedule

Here is the schedule for the Sunday Adult Forum hour that follows 9:00 a.m. worship and starts at 10:20 a.m. in the Small Hall.  This class will be led by Neil Korsmo and Pastor Chad.  We hope to see you all there and have some good themes this year.

Sunday Adult Forum Schedule for 2013-2014

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