November Newsletter

The November Newsletter is done and attached below.

November 2013 Newsletter

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EPIC Fellowship

The youth of EPIC will be serving cinnamon rolls and other treats during fellowship hour following worship on November 10.  They would appreciate donations that will be used to make Chemo Bags to be delivered to the cancer center at Mercy hospital.  Approximately 40 bags containing care products for patients undergoing chemo and radiation therapy were delivered this past summer and were very well received and appreciated.  With your assistance and the hands of the EPIC youth we are doing God’s work.  Thanks!

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Book Study

During the month of November the Adult Forum following worship will be studying the book Exodus from Hunger by David Beckmann who is president of Bread for the World and a Lutheran pastor.  More information on the book can be found here.  The Southeastern Iowa Synod is sponsoring this study and has provided us with several copies of the book.  If you are interested please see Pastor Chad to obtain a copy of the book.

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Women’s Group

All women are invited to attend a time of study and discussion on Thursday evenings at 7:00 at Bethany.  The group will not meet Thursday October 31 (Halloween) or Thursday November 28 (Thanksgiving).  Currently the group is doing a study called “True Beauty” by Lisa Chan.  This study involves a short video and discussion following it.  If you have any questions please contact the office.

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Parking Lot Addition

The concrete is going down.

Parking Lot Addition

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Affirmation of Baptism (Confirmation) is Cancelled Tonight

Due to several students out ill we are cancelling class tonight.  Hopefully, we can get everyone healthy and back next week.  The meal schedule will just be pushed back next week.  A new schedule will be provided.  Thanks!

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Middle and High School Youth Lock-In

Middle school and High school youth are invited to a lock-in sponsored by Lutheran Campus Ministry at U of I.

When: Friday Nov. 8 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 am Sat. Nov. 9
Where: Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Iowa City
Cost: $20 per person includes snacks, pizza, breakfast, and admission to the U of I Recreation and Wellness center for swimming and other activities

Pastor needs to notify the Lutheran Campus Ministry by Monday, October 28 so if you intend to go please email me or call the office as soon as possible. Thanks!

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Trunk or Treat is Coming!

Join us at Bethany this year, October 31 from 5:30-7:00 p.m., for Trunk or Treat! Bethany members are invited to bring their vehicles to the parking, decorate their trunks, and share treats with West Branch children.  The youth of EPIC will also be having fun games inside the church.

If interested please contact Paula to reserve a spot in the lot.  It should be a fun time!

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Outdoor Worship and Pet Blessing Photos

The outdoor worship with a pet blessing went fabulously this past Sunday.  We heard good things from several of you and the worship and stewardship committees will plan on making this an annual event.  Below are some photos from the service.

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First Communion Class

Pastor Chad will be having a first communion class on Monday October 21 (time to be determined).  If your child is interested in please let Pastor Chad know.  We believe there is no set age on when a child is ready to receive communion; however, we have traditionally offered instruction at the 3rd grade but ultimately this is a decision to make between parents and Pastor.

First communion Sunday will be October 27.

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