Stewardship Bulletin Board

The Stewardship Committee invites you to check out the Stewardship Bulletin Board by the Great Hall kitchen.  There’s changing information about a featured mission of our church, ministry opportunities for you to consider, immediate needs for service in some ministry, and other Stewardship information.  Please regularly check this bulletin board, and prayerfully consider how you are being called to minister to others.  Remember that these ministries, and your participation in them, provide you the opportunity to grow in your relationship with Christ and be His disciple.  God’s Work, Our Hands!

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EPIC Swim Party

The youth of EPIC (Energetic Peeps in Christ) invite any and all to a swim party at the West Liberty Pool this Sunday, August 18, from 8-10:00 p.m.  Hopefully, you can come out and join us!

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Outdoor Worship Service and Blessing of Pets

The stewardship and worship committees invite you to a day in which we give thanks to God for the beautiful and bountiful creation God has surrounded us with. As such, our worship service that morning will be outside. The service will take place on the patio and grass area outside of the Great Hall. All are invited to bring their lawn chairs. Going along with the theme of the day you are invited to bring your pet(s), we will do an order of blessing upon them during the service. Please note that in the event of rain the service will be moved inside to the Great Hall, and please leave your pets at home.  This will take place on Sunday, September 29th at 9:00 a.m.


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Affirmation of Baptism (Confirmation) Starts September 4

All students and parents will gather on Wednesday September 4 at 6:30 p.m. to kick off a new year of Affirmation of Baptism.  A dinner will be provided.  Please see the upcoming schedules for this academic year.

Sept-Dec 2013 Schedule

Jan-May 2014 Schedule

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Sunday School Teacher Opportunity

The Education Committee is seeking to utilize your gifts in the role of Sunday School teachers.  We currently have opportunities to work with the children (pre-K through 4th grade) in our community.  Our hope is we will have enough teachers so that you will only need to teach, at a minimum, 1 Sunday per month.  The curriculum Bethany uses does not require much preparation time.  Additionally, we will be having a “Train the Teacher” session giving all an opportunity to ask questions, learn from past teachers Dave and Kami Poppen, and know you are never alone and don’t need to have all the answers.  If you can’t commit to being a regular teacher we are also looking for several substitute teachers.  Please prayerfully consider this opportunity and if interested let Dave or Kami, Toni Dodds, or Courtney Heid know.  Thank you!

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2013-2014 Sunday School Schedule Attached

The new year of Sunday School will be starting on September 15th.  There will be opportunities for adults and children and youth pre-K through 8th grade.  High School students are invited to assist with an adult teacher with the younger children and/or join the adult forum.

As a reminder, all classes follow 9:00 a.m. worship and begin at approximately 10:20 a.m.  We hope to see you there!  Click below for a schedule to be used from children and youth.  Adult classes will begin on the same date but may vary slightly.  A separate schedule will be forthcoming for the Adult Class along with a listing of the topic discussions.

2013-2014 Sunday School Schedule

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