Wednesday Lent Prayer Service

Due to circumstances beyond Jill and I’s control, we were unable to record worship for this final Wednesday in Lent prior to Holy Week. The plan was to bookend the 5 Wednesday’s with a Healing of the Nations prayer service. Therefore, join us today for the first Wednesday Healing of the Nations Prayer Service (see below). The bulletin can be found below the video.

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March 21 Worship Video Available

Click here to watch this morning’s worship.

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March 21 Worship Materials

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Wednesday Lent Prayer Service

Today’s Lent prayer service will be the same as we used 2 weeks ago. (Click here) Next Wednesday, join us for a Healing of the Nations prayer service, similar to the one that kicked off our Lenten Wednesday services. We were unable to secure an individual to write a devotion for today so here is a prayer of healing located within our church hymnal, Evangelical Lutheran Worship (Copyright 2006 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America; Augsburg Fortress) Used by permission.

Almighty and merciful God, you are the only source of health and healing; you alone can bring calmness and peace. Grant to us, your children, an awareness of your presence and a strong confidence in you. In our pain, our weariness, and our anxiety, surround us with your care, protect us by your loving might, and permit us once more to enjoy health and strength and peace; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

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March 14, 2021 Worship

Our worship service from March 14 can be viewed here.

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March 14 Worship Materials

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Wednesday Lent Information

Please see below for a devotional for this week. As we recorded our short prayer service of healing for creation outdoors on Sunday, there will be no premier of a video at noon. You can view Sunday’s worship service here.

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Order of Worship for Healing of Creation Service

Here is the order of worship for this Wednesday’s service of healing that we are going to attempt to do outdoors tonight. Seems fitting to have a creation service outdoors.

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March 7 Worship

Click here for to view worship earlier today.

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Easter Garden 2021

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