Easter Worship Recording

What a wonderful morning it was! There are 2 links below. First is a hymn produced by the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians (permission granted to share and stream) that we began worship with. The second link is for the actual worship service.

Jesus Christ is Risen Today Hymn

Easter Worship Outdoor Worship

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Easter Sunday Worship

Happy Easter! It looks to be an absolutely beautiful morning to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord outdoors. Here’s what you need to know: 9:30 AM (of course will stream live here on Facebook for the faithful people viewing online), bring a chair, wear a mask, create distance between others outside immediate family, sing softly. A reminder for those viewing online. A video of the hymn “Jesus Christ is Risen Today” will premier at 9:30 AM. It is around 4 1/2 minutes long. After that, we will go live outdoors so there will be a momentary pause but stay with us. You may need to refresh your screens. Click here for the bulletin.

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Holy Week Worship

We have 3 opportunities to worship over the next 4 days. All 3 worship services will be streamed via Facebook. Maundy Thursday (tonight) and Good Friday (tomorrow) will be at 7 PM. Those who have indicated they wish to worship in person and have been contacted by Jill are welcome to attend. As of now, we will plan to worship outdoors on Easter Sunday at 9:30 AM. Please bring a chair. Face masks are required as is maintaining physical distancing from others. The Great Hall will be open should you not wish to sit outside and instead view it streamed through a television. There is room for 20-25 people in the Great Hall.

Here are the bulletins for each worship service:

Maundy Thursday Worship Recording

Good Friday Worship Recording

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April 2021 Newsletter

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Easter Sunday Worship Materials

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Communion cups available

We will be celebrating Holy communion on Maundy Thursday and Easter Sunday. Those who will not be attending in person may come and get a cup for each service. The main church doors will be open Tuesday afternoon 1-4 PM, Wednesday 9 AM – Noon, Thursday 1-4:00 PM, Friday 9-Noon and Saturday 9-Noon, or to have one delivered to you call 319-643-5998.

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FreeIndeed Newsletter

The latest newsletter of FreeIndeed congregation at Anamosa State Penitentiary is available. As we did in worship yesterday, our prayers are with the entire community of ASP following the tragic events of last week.

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March 28 Worship

Click here to watch the recording of this morning’s worship.

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Worship Materials for March 28

Palm leaves for this Sunday should be arriving today. They will be available to those attending worship in person on Sunday. We will also place some inside the doors from the parking lot to pick up if you would like one or two. The doors will be open Friday and Saturday 9 AM – Noon.

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Holy Week Worship Opportunities

We will have worship available on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter. Please see the document below that lists times and additional information as to in person offerings. All services will be streamed live on Facebook.

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