Hymn Change for Worship Today

The Hymn of the Day following the service will be Come, All You People (ELW819). It is attached below.

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January 15th Worship Material

Worship Recording

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January 8th Worship Material

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January 2023 Newsletter

The latest edition of Bethany Branches is now available.

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January 1, 2023 Worship Materials

January 1st Worship Video

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Synod Worship January 1, 2023

While Bethany will gather in person and online New Year’s Day at 9:30 am for worship, the Office of the Bishop of the Southeastern Iowa Synod is also providing a worship service to be used by congregations throughout the Synod. If you wish to view that, the link and bulletin are below. (Note: Hymns used by permission under OneLicense.net A-726405 streaming license)

January 1, 2023 Synod Worship

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Christmas Eve Worship Recording

Here is the recording from tonight’s worship. Merry Christmas!

Christmas Eve Worship Recording

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7:00 PM Worship Service Cancelled (5:00 Still On)

We have made the decision to cancel the 7:00 PM worship service only this evening. While it appears there will be a slight improvement today, forecasted weather conditions still call for windy conditions and extremely cold temperatures this evening.

The plan of having the 5:00 PM worship service is still in place. Again, we will still worship at 5:00 PM in person and it will also be streamed live via Facebook and can also be viewed anytime thereafter.

We appreciate your understanding when making these difficult decisions. Have a blessed Christmas Eve and Merry Christmas to all!

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Christmas Eve Worship Materials

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December 18th Worship Materials

December 18 Worship Recording

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