December 18th Worship Materials

December 18 Worship Recording

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Annual Meeting Information

The annual meeting will be held January 22, 2023 following worship (approximately 10:30 AM). Below is the invitation letter from Council President Dave Poppen. Also attached are Constitutional Ammendments from the 2022 ELCA Churchwide Assembly this past August. We are required to provide these 30 days prior to the meeting. The second document below is the changes with highlights in yellow. Those marked with an * are mandatory. Those without an * are optional. It was the recommendation of the Constitution Committee and approved by the council these changes be adopted. The third document below is the updated Constitution and Bylaws reflecting these proposed changes that will be voted on. Thanks to the committee that consisted of Neil Korsmo, Deb Anderson and Claudia Beyer for their work. Please see a committee member or Pastor Chad with any questions.

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December 11th Worship Materials Children’s Christmas Program

Worship Recording

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December Newsletter

The latest edition of Bethany Branches is now available.

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December 4th Worship Material

December 4 Worship Recording

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November 27th Worship Materials

Worship Video

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Angel Tree 2022

Click here to access the link to the 2022 Angle tree sign up or if you would like us to shop for you please leave donation with Paula or Alex P or mail to P.O. Box 236 West Branch, IA 52358 Please make checks out to Bethany Lutheran. Thank you for your generosity!

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November 20th Worship Materials

November 20 Worship Video

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11-13 Worship Materials

11-13 Worship video

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November 6th Worship Materials

Worship video

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