August 18 Worship Bulletin

Worship Recording

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Outdoor Worship

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August 11th Worship Bulletin

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August Newsletter

The August edition of Bethany Branches is now available by clicking here.

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August 4th Worship Bulletin

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July 28 Worship Bulletin

Worship Recording

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Bring an item of food to worship Sunday please

Please worship with us this Sunday (and every Sunday) at 9:30 AM. This week we study the story of Jesus feeding the multitudes in John 6. As part of the children’s message I am inviting everyone to bring a food item or paper product (or bring 2-3). A list of the most needed items is placed on our website each month (see below). Thanks for your help! Items will go to the West Branch Community Food Pantry located at the old middle school.

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VBS Video Recap

Click here to see a video created by Courtney Heid and shown to the kiddos and parents on the final night of VBS. Thanks to all the pictures taken by many over the week.

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July 21st Worship Bulletin

Worship Recording

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Vacation Bible School Update

We are so ready to start the party and celebrate the good news; however, with the high probability of severe storms this afternoon and into the evening, we have cancelled VBS tonight. VBS will now be held Tuesday-Friday. Thank you for understanding. Please contact the church (319) 643-5998 with any questions.

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