Affirmation of Baptism (aka Confirmation) is Coming

Attention all parents and students of 7th and 8th grade students!  We will have an Orientation session on Wednesday, September 10 at 6:30 p.m.  A meal will be provided.  Please plan to attend this session.  Please contact Pastor Chad with any questions.

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Rally Sunday is Coming – September 14

Plan to join us for Rally Sunday on September 14 as we kick-off another year of education at Bethany.  It will be a great day starting with worship at 9:00 a.m.  We will be installing all teachers for the upcoming year during that service.  There will be a potluck following worship.  Please see the sign-up sheet on the glass doors to the Great Hall.  Also, there will be other fun activities for the youth so please plan on attending.  A schedule of the upcoming Sunday school year can be found by clicking here.

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“God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday – Sept. 7

Join us once again and wear your yellow shirt from last year, any yellow shirt, or just come as you are for the 2nd annual “God’s work.  Our hands.”  Sunday.  We will gather for worship at 9:00 and then be sent forth to be God’s hands in the world.  Plans are underway to do another mission event in the community and also there will be something to do here at the building/grounds of the church.  It should be another exciting day!

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August Newsletter

The August Newsletter is now available by clicking here.  Enjoy!

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Hoover Hometown Days

Come look for us during Hoover Hometown Days. Amanda and some of the youth are having a lemonade stand from approximately 11-2 on Saturday. We will be located near the Town Hall building. The lemonade will be free but donations are welcome and the kids will select a charity to donate any gifts received. “God’s work, our hands.”

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VBS 2014 is Happening Now!

We kicked off VBS 2014 today and things are going great.  We had a fabulous group of kids and 3 excellent counselors from Camp EWALU plus some excellent coordinators, parent and youth volunteers.   Thank you everyone.  Please keep everyone in your prayers.  Below are some photos of the day!

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Organist Update

This Sunday, August 27, we will wish farewell and Godspeed to our organist Elizabeth Gotlund. She has been a wonderful gift from God and has enriched our worship experience. Please come and thank Elizabeth and wish her well on her future.

With that said, God has once again been faithful to us and has lifted up another leader to assist us musically in worship. We welcome Aura Strohschein as our new organist. Aura’s first Sunday will be August 10. Praise be to God!

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Minister of Christ’s Light (Acolyte) Training

We will be having an orientation session for youth interested in becoming Ministers of Christ’s Light (aka Acolytes).  This class will be held on August 24th following worship.  We will gather in the small fellowship hall and then head up to the sanctuary.  There is a baptism that day so worship may run a bit long.  Thus, we will say the class will begin at 10:30 if not sooner.  It will probably only take 20-30 minutes.  We invited youth entering 4th grade and above to attend (if not already acolyting) and understand that not all children are ready to acolyte at that age.  If you have any questions please see Pastor Chad or Bonnie.

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VBS 2014

Just a reminder, Vacation Bible School, is fast approaching July 28 – August 1. There still is time to sign your child up.  It is sure to be a blast and the chances of another epic water fight (weather permitting) are fairly high.

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Quarterly Stewardship Newsletter

The current edition of the Quarterly Stewardship Newsletter is done and can be viewed by clicking here.  Thanks to the Stewardship Team for assembling this.

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