EPIC this Sunday

EPIC this Sunday from 5-6:15. Weather pending we will be doing water relays and balloon fights outside. Come one and come all for an “epic” good time!

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Vacation Bible School 2014

Mark your calendars and spread the word!

VBS returns to Bethany this summer along with the energy of counselors from Camp EWALU in Strawberry Point, IA.   It is sure to be a good time centered around this year’s theme of “Living to Celebrate.”

When:  Monday, July 28th – Friday, August 1st

Time:  9 am – 3 pm Monday – Thursday; 9 am – 12 pm Friday

Registration and Volunteer forms Due July 5th.

Please click here to be taken to the VBS 2014 page on our website where you can find forms and other information.  We hope to see you there.  Please contact us with any questions at 643-5998.


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Job Opening – Church Organist/Pianist

Bethany Lutheran Church in West Branch, Iowa currently has an opening for a part-time organist/pianist.  This individual will assist and give leadership to the worship services of Bethany Lutheran and his/her gifts will help lift the congregation in music for the praise of God.  Potential candidates must be proficient in playing organ and piano, have some knowledge of Christian worship and music, and be able to work with others.  This position will also work with and accompany the Adult Choir.  All interested candidates must submit a resume and Employment Application to Pastor Chad Whaley via email ([email protected]) or regular mail to:  Pastor Chad Whaley, Bethany Lutheran Church, PO Box 236, West Branch, IA  52358.  All resumes must be submitted and received by Thursday, July 3, 2014 to be considered.  A Position Description and Employment Application can be found below.

Church Musician Position Description

Employment Application

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2015 ELCA Youth Gathering

ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton welcomes and invites you to attend the 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit.  Click here to see that video.

See an earlier post about an upcoming informational meeting for all youth who may be interested in attending.  Let’s get the word out!

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Storm Relief

Storm Relief – You can Help!

What: Assist residents in and around Washington, IL from a devastating tornado on November 17, 2013. There is still much cleanup to be done including debris removal, cleaning debris, tearing out drywall and carpet, etc.
When: Friday, June 27th
Where: Washington, IL – We need to be there by 10:00 a.m. – approximately 2 1/2 hours away
Who: Anyone 14 and over. Youth are encouraged to attend but we will need adult chaperones and possibly folks to drive.

If interested, please let Pastor Chad know ASAP. I am planning on going over.

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2015 ELCA Youth Gathering

2015 ELCA Youth Gathering

Attention all High School Students and Parents!

We will be having an informational meeting following worship on Sunday June 29th to determine if there is any interest in attending the 2015 ELCA Youth gathering in Detroit.  This national gathering will be held July 15-19 in Detroit, Michigan.  Youth that are eligible to attend must be entering the 9th grade or have just graduated from 12th grade by July 2015.  Parents and interested students are encouraged to attend.

For more information, please contact Pastor Chad.

Click here to be taken to a promotional video on YouTube from the ELCA.

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West Branch Food Pantry

The WB Food Pantry has had an increase in the amount of people serviced recently.  Thank you to all who faithfully bring food and other non-food items to Bethany’s drop-off site to meet the ongoing needs of the greater WB community.  If you are interested in assisting with taking the food from Bethany to the Food Pantry please contact Pastor or Neil.  We are looking for volunteers to take one month out of the year to do this and it will only require you to load up the supplies once a month and take them over to the pantry.

Click here to be taken to the page that includes an updated list of supplies needed most at the Food Pantry.

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Synod Assembly Report

Please find attached a wonderful recap of the Synod Assembly prepared by Frank Frostestad. Thanks Frank!

Synod Assembly 2014 Report

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Synod Assembly Photos

The 2014 Synod Assembly is complete.  We concluded with a fabulous worship yesterday morning probably around 500 people in attendance.  Bishop Michael Burk was reelected as bishop of the Southeastern Iowa Synod.  Congratulations to Bishop Burk and may we all hold him and Bishop Eaton, Presiding Bishop of the ELCA, in prayer.

Below are some photos of Pastor Chad, Frank and Euyln with Bishop Eaton, Bishop Burk, and one of the Sunday worship.


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Southeastern Iowa Synod Annual Assembly

The 2014 Southeastern Iowa Assembly is underway.  Some ways you can follow are: like the Southeastern Iowa Synod on Facebook, follow @seiasynod on Twitter or via #seia14

Pastor Chad will also be posting on our Facebook page periodically over the duration of the Assembly.

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