“God’s work. Our hands.” – Sunday 2014

Thank you to all who came and lent a hand yesterday as once again we responded to the free and unending grace of God by serving in our community.  We tackled a lot including:  making several hundred rice meals in our Kids Against Hunger Event, spreading mulch around Beranek park, trimming some foiliage on the Hoover Trail, cleanup around the church grounds, repairing the handicap accessible ramp leading into the sanctuary, and cleanup at the home of an elderly community member.

Below are some of the photos from the day.  If you have additional photos please email them to Pastor Chad ([email protected]) so we can get as many on here as possible.

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First Communion Class!

When:  Monday, October 20th at 6:00 pm

Where:  Small Hall

All parents and children interested in beginning to receive the sacrament of holy communion are invited to attend.  First-communion will be held on Reformation Sunday, October 26.  It is our belief a child doesn’t need to be a certain age to take communion; however, some education is required.  The decision of whether or not a child is ready is made between the parents/guardians and pastor.  If your child plans to attend please let Pastor Chad know as soon as possible so supplies can be ordered.

We have used 3rd grade as an age but if you feel your child is ready please talk to Pastor Chad.

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Choir is Coming!

Choir practice will begin on Wednesday, September 10 at 6:15 pm – 7:00 pm.  This is a wonderful way to participate and the choir greatly enriches our worship experience.  If you are interested in singing please see Deanna Weismann.  We welcome all skill levels of singers!

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“God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday Update

Join us and thousands of other ELCA Lutherans across America in “God’s work.  Our hands” Sunday on September 7th.  We will gather for an abbreviated worship service at 9:00 a.m. and then be sent forth in service.

This year’s mission events include:

  • Hoover Trail Maintenance
  • Tree Mulching at Beranek Park
  • Special Needs Access Ramp Improvement
  • Kid’s Against Hunger Packaging Event
  • General Church Upkeep

Please see the September Newsletter for additional information.

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Youth Nights are Coming

When:  Sunday, September 21

Who:  All Middle School Students (5th-8th grade) and High School Students (9th-12th grade)

Where:  In the Great (Large) Hall of Bethany

What:  A time to have fun, share some food and faith, do some mission events and just come together as children of God.


  •  5:00 pm – 6:00 pm – EPIC Youth (i.e., Middle School)
  • 6:00 pm – 6:30 pm – Meal for EPIC and High School Youth
  • 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm – High School Youth

Questions:  Please see Amanda Whaley, Jeni Schiele, or Jenni Olson

For now, plan on the 3rd Sunday of the month to follow this same schedule.


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Cross Training is Coming!

Cross Training is for high school students.  It will be held on Wednesday evenings from 6:45-7:30 in the High School room.  Coaches will be Amanda Whaley and Jenni Olson.  This will be a time to talk about your faith, learn, and have some fun.  For a schedule of the Wednesday evenings we will gather please click here.  Also, see our page under the Education tab of this site.

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September Newsletter Available

The September Newsletter is now available and can be viewed by clicking here.  Please read it as there are quite a few happenings in September and upcoming months.

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You are Invited!

  • What:  Led by the Spirit:  Together in Conversation
  • When:  Thursday, September 11 ~ 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
  • Where:  Christ the King Lutheran Church, Iowa City
  • Who:  All members of the Southeastern Iowa Synod but particularly of Conference 7 of which Bethany is a part of

Join Bishop Michael Burk as he leads a time of conversation focused on creating a deeper understanding of what it means to walk together as we are Led by the Spirit to fulfill the mission of Christ’s church.  In addition to time in a large group setting, each gathering will also provide an opportunity for congregations within each conference to engage with one another, form connections, and make decisions.  This event is for all members and combines the annual conference assembly and The Evening with the Bishop from prior years.

Please see Pastor Chad with questions or if you plan to attend.  Unfortunately, due to a Wedding Rehearsal at Bethany scheduled prior to this event being scheduled Pastor Chad will be unable to attend.  Please prayerfully consider attending and representing the faithful people of God at Bethany among the wider church.  Thank you!


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New Education Opportunity for All at Wartburg Seminary

Come to the Castle:  Worship, Learning, and Conversation

Wartburg Theological Seminary will sponsor a new continuing education this fall for clergy and congregational members known as “Come to the Castle.”  Included within this program will be adult Bible study sessions for individuals from congregations that will be led by final-year Wartburg Seminary students.  Clergy will participate in sessions specifically offered for them.  The cost of each individual session is $20 per person or $50 per group of 5 people.  Below are the 3 dates this fall and topics for the Bible studies for congregational members.  The schedule for the day starts at 9:00 a.m. and concludes at 3:00 p.m. with a time for worship with the Wartburg community, lunch, and campus tours.  Should you have questions please see Pastor Chad.  Additional information can be found online at:  www.wartburgseminary.edu/Castle

  • September 26:  Biblically Challenging Creationism
  • October 24:  Living the Sermon on the Mount
  • November 21:  Preparing for Christ’s Birth
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Outdoor Worship with Pet Blessing

Join us once again as we worship outdoors in the grandeur of God’s creation.  This will happen on Sunday, September 28 at 9:00 a.m.  All are invited to bring a lawn chair and also their pet if so desired.  A blessing of the pets will occur during the service.  We hope to see you there!

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