Trunk or Treat is coming! 

When: Friday, October 31st from 5:30-7:00 pm
Where: Bethany Lutheran Church 

All are invited to attend. Please pass the word! Adults are invited to contact our Administrative Assistant Paula Casper (643-5998) or email her at [email protected] and sign up for a parking spot. Then bring your car, decorate the trunk, and hand out candy to the kids that come. Or you can come handout candy in the hallway if you don’t want to sit outside. Some of our older youth will be doing simple games for the kids. We hope to see you all there.

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Simply Giving Forms

It’s fall and once again we will embark upon our annual stewardship campaign.  Yet, stewardship is not something we just do each fall but is something we do daily in our life in Christ.  Stewardship is giving joy for all that God has entrusted us with and responding to those many blessings by responsibly tending to all that God has poured out upon us including our time, talents, and finances.

Many of you take advantage of online giving through “Simply Giving.”  If you don’t know about this or want more information you can view a brochure explaining this by clicking here and an authorization form if you want to get set up by clicking here.  Both of these are found under the resource tab of this website.  If you have any questions, please see Jill Taylor, our Financial Secretary.

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Outdoor Worship with Pet Blessing 2014

Last Sunday, Sept. 28, we had our second annual outdoor worship with pet blessing.  The Lord blessed us with yet another beautiful day for which we are grateful.  Here are a few photos of the event.  Thanks to all who came out, brought their pets, and made it another great worship service to God our Creator.

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September Stewardship Newsletter

The September edition of the quarterly Stewardship Newsletter is now available by clicking here.

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October Newsletter

The October Newsletter is done and can be viewed by clicking here.  Hope you enjoy!

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Socktober is Coming!

Join the youth of EPIC for Socktober. This wonderful idea was inspired by Kid President (google him if you haven’t heard of him). During the month of October we will be collecting socks, which will be distributed to either Shelter House (Iowa City homeless shelter) or to the Domestic Violence Shelter in Iowa City. In addition to socks, we will also be collecting other much needed items for the Domestic Violence Shelter. October is Domestic Violence awareness month and thus we thought it would be a good opportunity to reach out and support the ministry they do. We spoke to leaders there who advised us the shelter is nearly full every night (approximately 50 women and children). We have learned many of these women and children leave their homes swiftly and abruptly and don’t have the opportunity to take anything with them. Here is a list of some of the most pressing needs we would like to collect and deliver to them at the end of the month:

• Fuel gift cards (any dollar amount)
• Pharmacy gift cards (Walgreens, CVS, etc.) to help with prescriptions
• Winter clothing: boots, snow pants, hats, gloves, scarves, coats (for women and children of all ages and sizes – can be slightly used and in good condition)
• Skin lotion, body wash, and deodorant
• Hair care products for African American women (These they always have a great demand for and can be found in most stores where hair care products are sold)

We are grateful for the support the good people of Bethany have shown us in the past for events such as the Malaria Campaign, chemo bags, and others events and we pray for your generous support again. To kick off our drive we will be hosting breakfast during fellowship on October 5. We hope all of you can attend. There will be 2 boxes on the table between the bathrooms outside the kitchen where you can donate supplies. Additionally, if you prefer to give a monetary donation that would be great and we will go out and purchase supplies. Please note on your checks “Socktober” so that we can designate your gift to the appropriate fund. Thank you! EPIC Youth Group

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2015 ELCA Youth Gathering

There will be a meeting for all youth and parents who have expressed an interest in attending the 2014 ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit, MI next summer. Again, the dates are July 15-19. Youth eligible to attend must be entering High School in the fall of 2015 (current 8th graders) or have just graduated High School in the 2014 (current seniors). Please attend following worship and fellowship on Sunday, October 5. Please see Jenni Olson or Pastor Chad with questions. 

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Outdoor Worship and Pet Blessing Reminder

This Sunday, September 28 we will worship outside.  Additionally, you are invited to bring your pet (please have dogs on leashes) and we will have a pet blessing during the worship. We will have some chairs set up but you are encouraged to bring folding lawn chairs. Worship is at 9:00 a.m.  In case of inclement weather, we will worship inside.  Please leave your pets at home.  Thanks and hope to see you there!

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Youth Groups This Sunday – September 21

Reminder: EPIC (5-8th Grade) Youth Group this Sunday at 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm and High School Youth Group from 6:30-7:30. Also, all are invited for a meal from 6-6:30 pm. Hope to see you there.

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Rally Sunday 2014

Rally Sunday was yesterday and we had a great day installing faith formation leaders for the upcoming year (thanks to all of you and the gifts you bring), a potluck, unveiling of some update classrooms, and even a bounce house for the younger children (thanks Mike). A few of the photos are below.

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