Stewardship/Celebration Sunday Potluck

This is a friendly reminder there will be a Potluck following worship Sunday. The Stewardship team will provide items for sandwiches. Please bring aside dish or desert. Thanks!  Even if you forget, please stick around and join us.

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Confirmation and Cross Training Tonight

Reminder to all that Affirmation of Baptism (Confirmation) will be at 5:30 – 6:15 tonight. There will be no meal.  We will be done promptly at 6:15 so you call can get to the volleyball game.

Also, there will be no Cross Training tonight.  We will resume next week.

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November Newsletter

The November Newsletter is done and can be viewed by clicking here.

Also, there is an article about purchasing poinsettias for Christmas Eve.  If you are interested, please find the order form below.

Poinsettia Order Form

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First Communion

We welcomed 7 wonderful children of God to the Lord’s table this past Sunday.  Way to go gang!  The picture has 6 as one was unable to be with us Sunday.

1st communion 2014

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No Cross Training Wednesday

There will be no Cross Training for High School youth this Wednesday, 10/29.  Enjoy the football game!

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Confirmation Class 10/29

Confirmation class this Wednesday will be from 5:45 – 6:30 p.m.  Please note the time change.  There will not be a meal.  We will be done promptly at 6:30 so everyone can still make the football game.  Thanks!

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Ebola Crisis

Perhaps, you are wondering what you can do to help those dealing with Ebola. Click here to be taken to a video from Lutheran Disaster Relief that reveals how the faithful people of the ELCA are making a difference through monetary donations and through prayer.  Below is a link to the Ebola page on the ELCA’s website with more information and a link to contribute.

Lutheran Disaster Response – Ebola


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Prayer Team Meeting

Please join us this Thursday, October 23 at 6:00 p.m. for our Prayer Team meeting.  This is a newer group that we are trying to get more people involved in.  This is a very informal time that we talk about prayer in our own lives and then make intentional time to pray for the people of God at Bethany and other prayer petitions in the world, our community, or in our personal lives.

This week we will begin watching a series of short videos that speak to meeting God in prayer.  We will gather in the Small Hall.  All are invited and we hope you join us!

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Bethany is now on Twitter

In our continuing efforts to communicate with all of you Bethany is now also on Twitter.  You can find us by searching – “Bethany Lutheran @blcwestbranch” – Hope you follow us! Pastor Chad will try to “tweet” every once in a while.

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Youth Night Tonight

EPIC tonight at 5:00 p.m. Then a shared meal with EPIC youth and High School youth at 6:00 p.m.  High School youth then will meet for some fun at 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.  Hope to see you there!

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