Another Advent Devotion

Another Advent devotional resource is being offered through the Southeastern Iowa Synod. You can access their site on the link below or follow the discussion on the Southeastern Iowa Synod Facebook page or on Twitter using #SEIAadvent

Southeastern Iowa Synod Advent Devotions

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December Newsletter

The December Newsletter is now available for viewing.  Click below to be taken to it.

December 2014 Newsletter

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Angel Tree 2014

We are doing God’s Work with Our Hands again this year by once again purchasing items for those in need within our community.

There are ornaments hanging on the Christmas tree in the Great Hall.  Please take one and then return the wrapped item (with the ornament attached to the outside of the package) by December 12th.  You can also make a monetary donation (make check payable to Bethany Lutheran Church) and Jeni S.  will  go out and purchase items.

Thanks again for your support!  Please see Jeni S. with any questions!

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Advent Devotions

Below is a series of Advent Devotions including some prepared by ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton.

Advent Devotions

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Prayer Team Meeting – Thursday @ 6:00 pm

Prayer Team meeting this Thursday at 6:00 pm in the small fellowship hall – please consider coming – these are very informal – we will once again watch a short video and then spend some time in prayer together. The prayer is scripted so you don’t need to worry about what to say. If you don’t want to say anything you don’t have to – you can simply sit and be present. Thanks!

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Community Meal this Sunday

Community Meal @ Bethany this Sunday, 11/23 from 5:30-6:30 pm – all are welcome meaning whether you are a member of Bethany or not.

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Tree of Thanksgiving

The EPIC youth have created a tree of thanksgiving.  You will see it in the large hall.  All people are invited to take a leaf and help our tree grow with an abundance of things we are thankful for in our lives.  The leaves may have fallen outside but new life abounds through God all around us.


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No Confirmation or Cross Training tomorrow Night!

There will not be confirmation or cross training tomorrow.  Next, week we will have confirmation at 6:30 and parents are invited to attend with their child.  We will have a potluck meal and then have a time of discussion on some topic of faith.  Hope to see you all there!

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Youth Night this Sunday – 11/16

EPIC (5th – 8th Grades):  5:00 – 6:00 p.m.

Meal (With EPIC and High School youth):  6:00 – 6:30 p.m.

High School Youth:  6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

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Time and Talent Form

On Sunday we will have the opportunity to turn in our response cards for how much financially we commit to the ministries of Bethany next year.  Our response is not one of compulsion but rather is one of joy and thankfulness for the free gifts of forgiveness and eternal life God has so graciously granted each of us through Jesus Christ.  In responding we make a statement of faith that recalls all we are and all we have is ultimately God who created everything and provides for our needs.

Another way that we respond to God’s grace is the giving of our time and unique gifts we have all been given.  Time and Talent sheets were handed out this past Sunday by members of the Stewardship Team; however, if you weren’t here or misplaced yours you can find one by clicking here.


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