Spring Cleanup This Saturday

The Building and Grounds Committee requests your help this Saturday, April 25 from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. as we pick up the church grounds and do so needed work around the property.  Thanks!  Any questions should be directed to John Black.

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April Newsletter

The April Newsletter is done and can be viewed now.

April 2o15 Newsletter

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March Stewardship Newsletter

The latest quarterly edition of the Stewardship Newsletter is done.  Thanks to Neil and Chris and the Stewardship Team for putting this together.

March 2015 Stewardship Newsletter

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Holy Week Worship Opportunities

  • April 2 (Maundy Thursday) at Springdale United Methodist Church – 7 p.m.
  • April 3 (Good Friday) at West Branch United Methodist Church – 7 p.m.
  • April 5 (Easter) at Bethany Lutheran Church – 8 a.m. and 10 a.m.
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Last Night

Tonight is the last night for Prayer Around the Cross Wednesday Lent Worship and our Wednesday meals.  Join us for a light dinner at 6 and worship at 7.  If you can’t come to both come to one.  The Prayer Around the Cross Service has been wonderful and well received.  If you haven’t tried it you are invited and encouraged to come and give it a chance.  See you there!

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Palm Sunday – March 29

Calling all children!  Be sure to arrive at church March 29th a few minutes early so you can get a palm, we can line up, and process into worship waving our palms. Also, the older youth will be doing a very light breakfast following worship so stick around for that.

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Lenten Worship

What an awesome worship service tonight as we prayed around the cross.  Thanks Del for making the cross!  Thanks Becky for playing! Thanks to all who helped set up this afternoon and prepare for this. Thanks to all you faithful people of God who attended and were open to trying something new.  If you weren’t able to make it, no worries, we will do it again next week.  Dinner at 6:00 pm and worship at 7:00 pm.


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Photo Directory

Remember to sign up to have your picture taken for the new church photo directory.  If you have already signed up thank you.  If not, there is still time.  Go to the link below or see Paula on Sunday mornings during fellowship.  Pictures will be taken March 9 and March 10 at Bethany.

Photo Sign Up

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March Newsletter

The March Newsletter is now available.  Please click below to be taken to it.

March 2015 Newsletter

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Lenten Greeting from Bishop Burk

Click on the link below to watch a Lenten greeting from Bishop Burk of the Southeastern Iowa Synod who by the way joined us at Bethany for worship on Ash Wednesday.

Lenten Greeting from Bishop Burk

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