Wednesday in Lent

Plan to join us Wednesday evenings in Lent.  We will gather for a light meal beginning at 6:00 pm.  Following that at 7:00 we will gather for a short worship service.  There will be changes this year and we will be gathering for worship in the Great Hall for a service of prayer around the cross.  Hopefully, you will come and give it a try and be open to the Holy Spirit at work in something new.  Blessed Lenten journey!

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EPIC will meet this Sunday from 1:00 pm to 2:15 pm.  Note the time change.  EPIC is for students in 5-8th grade.  There will be no High School youth this Sunday.

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Ash Wednesday Services

Remember, Ash Wednesday services tonight @ Bethany 7:00 p.m. with our sisters and brothers in Christ from West Branch United Methodist Church and Springdale United Methodist Church.

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Photo Directory Online Sign Up

It is time to update our photo directory.  We will be scheduling photos on Monday March 9 and Tuesday March 10.  Please see Paula with any questions.  You can also schedule online by clicking here.


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Worship, Education, and all Church Activities Cancelled Today

Greetings!  All activities at Bethany Lutheran have been cancelled today due to the snow. Please stay safe and remember that God loves you dearly!  Have a blessed day!

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February Newsletter

The February Newsletter is done and can be viewed by clicking the link below.

February 2015 Newsletter

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Cross Training Cancelled Tonight

There will be no Cross Training for High School youth tonight, Wednesday January 28th.

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Called Together in Mission

What: Called Together in Mission (CTIM)

When: Saturday, March 14, 2015

Where: First Lutheran, Cedar Rapids

Why: To grow in your faith and spend time with others from our synod


Please consider attending this annual workshop sponsored by the South-eastern Iowa Synod. This year’s theme is “We are people of the Spirit” Those from Bethany who have attended CTIM in the past have enjoyed the worship experience with others from across the synod, the workshops offered, and the time to fellowship with others. If you are interested in attending please let Paula know by February 22nd. More information can be found on the Southeastern Iowa Synod Website by clicking here.

The event cost is $20; however, Bethany will cover this cost for anyone wishing to attend.


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Prayer Requests

Our prayer team will be gathering tonight and praying for all those at Bethany. Additionally, if you have any other prayer requests to be lifted up by the team please get them to me. They will remain confidential – I will just list the request. Email [email protected]

Let us pray,
Oh Lord, we are forever thankful for your presence in the lives of your people. Be with all today who suffer in any way and grant them the peace that surpasses all understanding through your dear Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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Bowling this Sunday for Middle and High School Children

Since EPIC was unable to go bowling a few weeks ago, we have rescheduled to go this Sunday afternoon January 18.  We plan to go to Colonial Lanes in Iowa City.  We will meet at the church and head out at 1:00 and then be back to the church at 4:00.  Please RSVP by Friday, so we can plan carpooling.  This will be a combined event for both middle schoolers and high schoolers.  We are thinking we could get two games in.  Please bring enough money for 2 games and snacks if your child would want to eat there.

Thank you,

Jeni, Jenni, and Amanda

You can RSVP to Pastor Chad:  [email protected] who will relay this information onto Jeni, Jenni, and Amanda.

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