June/July Newsletter is done

The June/July Newsletter is done and can be viewed below.

June/July Newsletter

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VBS Registration Form

Vacation Bible School will be here before you know it.  The registration forms are now out and we ask they be submitted to Bethany by June 26th.  Click below to be taken to the form.

VBS Registration Form 2015

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Confirmation 2015

Congrats to these 6 youth on what was a fabulous day!

Confirmation 2015

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Grief Workshop

You are invited to attend an introductory session on grief.  Since the dawn of humanity there has always been grief.  Even Jesus grieved as He wept over the dead body of Lazarus. We each grieve in different ways and working through and coping with our grief is certainly a process.  Please join us as we welcome Jeff Barton, Bereavement Counselor, for Iowa City Hospice to help us better understand grief, recognize it, and begin to understand how to work through it.  It will be at Bethany Lutheran on June 17th at 6:30 p.m.  This will be approximately an hour long session with time for questions and answers following.  If you have any specific questions please email them to Pastor Chad ([email protected]) ahead of time and he will send to Mr. Barton.  This is open to anyone and not just members of Bethany.

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Affirmation of Baptism Sunday

This Sunday, May 17, join us as 6 amazing sons and daughters of God affirm the promises God made to them in baptism and the promises made by others on their behalf.  This is also know as Confirmation.  Those youth are:  Madelyn, Derek, Abbey, Jaden, Jayden, and Brett.  Congratulations gang and can’t wait to see how God is going to keep on using you to do God’s work!

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May Newsletter

The May newsletter is done and can be viewed below.

May 2015 Newsletter

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Church Property Cleanup

Due to the weather last Sunday the church property cleanup has been rescheduled for this Saturday, May 2 from 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

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Malaria Campaign Update

Wow!  Thank you faithful people of God in responding to God’s grace and giving $628 to further the work being done to eradicate this preventable disease.  Your generosity is awesome and we far exceeded our $500 goal.  There is still time to give and a few mosquitoes were left up in the Great Hall to be taken down.

Also, help is needed for our neighbors in Nepal.  To learn more or to give please click here to be redirected to the Lutheran Disaster Response site.


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World Malaria Day

Saturday is World Malaria Day and we will stand with all those affected by this preventable disease in worship on Sunday.  The Confirmation students have set a goal of raising $500 to go toward the ELCA Malaria Campaign.  They have cut out mosquitoes and they are hanging on the wall in the Great Hall.  Together we can help.  Make a suggested donation of $5 to wipe out a mosquito.  Or you can donate directly the ELCA Malaria Campaign (www.elca.org/malaria) but if you do this please let us know the amount so we can help achieve our goal.  Thanks!

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VBS 2015

Vacation Bible School (VBS) 2015 will be July 27-July 31 at Bethany.  Once again, we will be having camp counselors from EWALU Bible Camp in Strawberry Point here leading us that week.  Registration forms will be coming in May.  Any questions or interested in volunteering to help out please contact Courtney Heid.

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