Church Directory

The new directory should be done and available soon.  We apologize for the delay.  If you had your pictures taken you will receive a free directory.  If you didn’t have your picture taken but would still like a directory they can be purchased for $10.  Please let Pastor Chad know by September 20.  Thanks!

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Recently, Pope Francis urged Roman Catholic parishes in Europe to host refugees and even said the Vatican will take in 2 families. This is part of the church’s call and we as Lutherans hold to that same belief. The Bible is clear about the fact we are called to walk alongside those in need. This is our response to God’s grace in Jesus Christ. Do you wonder how we can do that? One way is prayer. We can never go wrong with open and honest prayer to God. A second way is supporting various agencies working on the ground bringing aid and relief. One of those is our very own Lutheran Disaster Response. See the link below to learn more about it and how you can give.

Lutheran Disaster Response

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Biannual Newsletter from the Southeastern Iowa Synod

Here is the Biannual Newsletter of the Southeastern Iowa Synod is now available and can be viewed below.  We are joined together in mission and ministry with our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ and this is one way we can see how God is active in the congregations, lives, and communities of our wonderful Synod.

Summer Biannual Newsletter Southeastern Iowa Synod

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September Newsletter

The September Newsletter is done and can be viewed below.

September Newsletter

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Summer Lunch Program

Thanks to these ladies for serving lunch today to the youth of West Branch for the Summer Lunch Program.  Once again, one more way of how we are doing God’s work with our hands.  Way to go gang and all who help out over the course of the summer and this week to provide this valuable ministry!  Thanks West Branch United Methodist Church for opening up your doors and providing space.

Serving Lunch 2015 2Serving Lunch 2015


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Blessing of Students and Teachers this Sunday, August 23 @ 9:00 am

Each and every time we gather for worship is certain to be a glorious time to come together and give our praise to God.  Not only will we have a baptism this Sunday to celebrate the newest member of God’s family at Bethany; but with the start of school next Monday we also invite all students, parents, and educators, aides, administrators, cooks, librarians, janitors, bus drivers, consultants, etc. in our community to attend for a short Blessing and Prayer during worship. Students are invited to bring their backpacks as part of that blessing.  To our older and more mature students we understand if you don’t want to bring your backpack.  Just come and be present as you are as we ask God to care for and watch over you as another year of school begins and you respond to your vocation as a student.

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School Supplies – Thank you!

Thank you to all who contributed to the collection for backpacks. You donated a total of $825 and one backpack was assembled for each grade level K-8. We do have some leftover funds and will either wait until we hear of additional backpack needs before school starts or give it to the school for mid-year supply needs. Thank you! Jill Taylor and Linda Black

Great work people of God. We do God’s work together. This is a truly awesome response to God’s grace! Proud to be a member of Bethany!

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Food Pantry Needs

The August list of most pressing needs at the West Branch Food Pantry List is now available.  Thanks again for your ongoing support of this valuable ministry.

Food Pantry Needs

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August Newsletter

The August Newsletter is done and can be viewed below.

August Newsletter

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VBS 2015

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is underway.  Go to our VBS 2015 Page under the “Youth” Tab or simply click here to be taken to that page where there is a photo gallery, which will be updated periodically throughout the week.

The gallery is also able to be viewed below.

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”2″ gal_title=”VBS 2015″]



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