Quarterly Stewardship Newsletter

The September issue of the Quarterly Stewardship Newsletter is done.  Thanks to the Stewardship Team for assembling and to all the faithful people of God for all you do!

September 2015 Stewardship Newsletter

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God’s work. Our hands.

Check this out on the website of the Southeastern Iowa Synod of whom we partner in ministry.

God’s work. Our hands. Sunday Photos

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October Newsletter

The October Newsletter is done and can be viewed below.  Enjoy!

October 2015 Newsletter

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Adult Discussion Hour

Everyone is invited to the Adult Discussion Class that starts on Sunday October 4th at 10:20 AM in the Small Hall.  We want to have discussions on topics of interest to adults in the congregation, so please bring your ideas on what topics you might want to explore this year.  We will have ideas and suggestions on topics too.  We will discuss what times and discussion formats might work better for the group.  Come and see what Christ can do in your life and faith through discussion, thought, and learning.

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Sunday School

A quick reminder this Sunday in worship we will have presentation of Story Bibles to children age 4 – 3rd grade and regular Bibles to youth in 4th-6th grades.  We will also install Sunday school teachers.  The first official class will be next Sunday, October 4.  There will be education this year for students aged 4 – 6th grade immediately following worship or approximately 10:20 a.m. Please see the schedule below.

2015-2016 Sunday School Schedule


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ELCA Malaria Campaign Goal Reached

We have done it!  Awesome work faithful people of God.  We hit our mark of raising $15 million to help prevent, educate, and hopefully eradicate malaria.  Check this video out.

ELCA Malaria Campaign Video

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Outdoor/Pet Blessing Service Date Change

The Outdoor/Pet Blessing Service schedule for Sunday, Sept. 27 has been changed and will now be held on Sunday, October 11 due to a variety of scheduling conflicts.  We apologize for this late notice and appreciate your understanding.

A few notes on this service.

  • Please bring a lawn chair if  possible; however, we will have some folding chairs set up outside
  • In case of inclement weather (i.e., precipitation of any kind no matter how light it may be or extreme cold temperatures) we will move inside.  Please leave your pets at home.  An email will be sent out that morning and also notice placed on our website, Facebook and Twitter pages.
  • Pets:  Due to liability reasons and suggestions from our insurance carrier the Council asks that all please adhere to the following:
    • All pets must remain leashed or caged (if smaller animals) at all times.
    • Use caution and common sense when considering whether to bring your pet.  If your pet doesn’t socialize well around other animals then it may be best to leave him or her at home that day.  The safety of all people and other pets is vital.
    • Do not bring your pet if it is in heat.
    • Pets must remain outside at all times.
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Rally Sunday Date Change

Rally Sunday, initially scheduled for this Sunday (Sept. 20) has been postponed and will now take place on September 27th.  Children age 4 through 3rd grade are invited to attend and receive a story Bible.  Youth in 4th-6th grade are encouraged to attend and receive a regular Bible they will use in Sunday school and then in Affirmation of Baptism (Confirmation). Also, on this day teachers will be installed.  Please spread the word and we hope to see everyone there.  Sunday school will officially start the following Sunday, October 4th.

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God’s work. Our hands. 2015

Thanks to everyone who participated in the 3rd Annual “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday on Sept. 13. It was another success and we accomplished a great deal including: making bibs for a non-profit daycare, painting the exterior of the bathrooms at Beranek Park, washing the windows of the church, trimming bushes and pulling leaves around the church grounds, washing the windows and pulling weeds for our neighbors Families Inc., cleaning off their roof to let a bunch of standing water flow out the drains, and installing some trim pieces in the parsonage to finish up the floors. Here are some photos of the day. Sorry if I didn’t get everyone. If you have additional photos please email me. Thanks!  Here are some photos.

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”4″ gal_title=”Gods work. Our hands. 2015″]

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School Supplies

Here is a photo of all the supplies we purchased for the schools to go to children and youth who may not be able to afford everything on the list – we also had enough money left to purchase 2 more of the $100 calculators required in the 8th grade. Thanks everyone and thanks Linda and Jill for organizing!

Backpacks 2015

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