All Saints Sunday Photo

Yesterday in worship we gave thanks to God for all God has done; especially for the reconciling work of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, on the cross and through His resurrection.  Through this work we believe we are able to stand before God as saints as Christ has taken away the sin that so often covers us.  This is good news and sheer grace.

On this day, we give thanks and remember those saints who have died in the past year and those newly baptized saints in the past year.  This year we also recognized our “senior” saints among us (those 80 and over).  We were fortunate several were able to worship with us.  Here is a photo of those present.

Senior Saints

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November Newsletter

The November Newsletter is now available.  See below:

November Newsletter

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Community Prayer Service of Peace and Healing

Once again, the West Branch Area Religious Council is hosting a Community Prayer Service of Peace and Healing.  This will take place on Sunday, October 30 at 5:30 p.m. at Bethany.  This is a short service and involves prayer around the cross similar to what we do on Wednesday evenings in Lent.  See the flier below.

Prayer Service of Peace Flier

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Sparkhouse Family Book Fair

In conjunction with our Reformation 500 Book Fair we are also making available several resources from Sparkhouse Family.  Check out the books, Bibles, and video for children on the table just outside the kitchen.  There are some really wonderful resources here.  Our fair will run October 9-23.  The books, Bibles, and video shown on the table are up to 40% off with free shipping.  An order form is located at the table.  See below for a detailed description and pricing of the items.

Sparkhouse Family Book Fair Pricing Guide

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Reformation 500 Bookstore

Next year, 2017, we will celebrate 500 years since the Reformation.  As we journey toward that date maybe you want to do some reading about Martin Luther, the Reformation, and other books about Lutheranism.  Check out the table just outside the kitchen and browse the books.  If interested, now is the time to buy as Augsburg Fortress is offering the books 50% off with free shipping.  There is an order form on the table.  Our book fair will run October 9-23.

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October Food Pantry Needs

Here is the most up to date list of most needed items at the West Branch Food Pantry.

Pantry Needs

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October Newsletter

The October Newsletter is done and can be viewed below.

October 2016 Newsletter

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New Small Group Opportunity on Why Worship Matters?

See the attached flier for a new 5 week small group opportunity starting at the end of October.

Why Worship Matters Flier

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Community Tailgate and the Food Pantry

If you are coming to the Community Tailgate next week, we invite you to bring one or more of the following:  Canned Soups, Canned Fruit, Peanut Butter, Toilet Paper, Paper Towels, or Tissues.  Thanks!

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Community Tailgate – October 5

West Branch United Methodist Church and Bethany Lutheran Church invite you to a community tailgate meal on October 5 from 5:30-7:30.  Please see the attached flier. This event will be held at Bethany.

Tailgate Flier

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