Sunday School Cancelled December 18

We have decided to cancel Sunday school tomorrow, December 18.  As of now, worship is still on at 9:00 a.m.  With the projected low temperatures, please use extreme caution if you do decide to travel.  Christmas caroling at Crestview Nursing and Rehabilitation is still on for tomorrow afternoon.  We will meet there at 3:45 p.m.

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Bishop Eaton Christmas Greeting

Click here for a link to ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton’s Christmas greeting.

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ELCA Good Gifts

Just in case you have never heard or seen, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) has a resource called “Good gifts” in which we can respond to our call to mission by helping others in need by giving any number of much needed resources such as:  chicks, pigs, clothing, a well for water, etc.  To check it out, click here.

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Cookie Walk Photos

Here are a few photos from the Cookie Walk Saturday.  Thanks to all who came and purchased cookies, helped set up, tear down, work on Saturday, and made cookies.  God is good!

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Advent Blessing from Bishop Burk

Please click here to watch an Advent blessing from our Bishop, Michael Burk.  A much needed message for the church to cling to always.

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Cookie Walk

This Saturday, December 3 at 9:00 a.m.  This is our gift to the community and we need your assistance.  Please have cookies to church by 8:30 a.m.  We also need ministers of hospitality to greet, welcome, and assist those attending.  Thank you so much!

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Angel Tree 2016

The Angel Tree is now up and we need your help.  Please select an ornament, purchase the gift, wrap it, and return it by December 7 or give monetary donation and someone will go out and purchase gifts with those funds.  Thanks!


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December Newsletter

The December Newsletter is done and can be viewed below.

December 2016 Newsletter

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West Branch Food Pantry Needs

Find the most needed items at the West Branch Food Pantry here – Thanks for your ongoing support of this ministry.

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ELCA Video

Here is a link to a very short and informative video to where our offerings go.  We are part of something much bigger and together we all do God’s work.

Where Does Your Offering Go? (Video)

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