Prayer of Peace Service Tonight

The congregations of West Branch and Springdale invite any and all to a short prayer service of peace and healing tonight at Bethany at 5:30 pm. See flier below.

Prayer for Peace Flier

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Learning Opportunity

Learning Opportunity:  This Thursday at 7:00 p.m. join us for a special opportunity to participate in a free video course as ELCA Presiding Bishop looks at what might Martin Luther do 500 years after his historic thoughts and writings shook the Christian church.  She will apply his thoughts and writings to contemporary issues today.  This class will probably last 90 minutes.  The previously scheduled video on “What to do with disturbing biblical passages?” will be moved to February 23 at 7:00 pm.

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Thank you!

Thank you for your continued faithfulness and support of God’s mission with the people of God called and gathered together at Bethany.  Through the stewardship of your financial gifts, time and talents we continue to do God’s work with our hands here at Bethany and also as we are sent into our community and the world.  We encourage each member to prayerfully consider their stewardship giving each year for continued kingdom work we are called to do together.  Should you have any questions or need to make changes if you participate in online giving please see our Financial Secretary, Claudia Beyer.  We are in this together!

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Musician Position Available

Bethany Lutheran is in search of a musician to help lead us in worship on Sunday mornings.  Please see the job description below.  If interested, please send a cover letter and resume to:  Pastor Chad Whaley; Bethany Lutheran Church;  PO Box 236;  West Branch, IA  52358 or email to:  [email protected]

Please call with any questions to 319-643-5998.

Organist Job Description

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Resignation of Organist

It is with deep sadness we announce Seth has resigned his position as our musician. We are so grateful for his presence with us and the gifts he has brought.  He will continue to be with us for the next month as we seek a new musician.  Please keep Seth in prayer and also pray for God’s faithfulness yet again to lead us to a new musician.

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West Branch Food Pantry Urgent Needs

We have just learned the Food Pantry in town is in urgent need.  Click here for the list of items.  Thanks for your faithful support of this ministry.

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January Newsletter Now Available

The January 2017 newsletter is now available by clicking on the link below.

January 2017 Newsletter

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Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting will be Sunday, January 15 following worship.  Please plan to attend.  See below for the notice from our Council President, John Black.

Annual Meeting Council President Notification

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Confirmation and 4-6th Grade Education Cancelled Wednesday, December 21

We have decided to cancel class tomorrow night as it is the beginning of Christmas vacation and some families may be travelling already.  We will resume class on January 4. Merry Christmas and safe travels!

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Christmas Eve Worship

We will celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ on December 24 with services at 5:00 pm and 8:00 pm.  Both services are candlelight services and will include plenty of singing and also celebration of Holy Communion.  We would love to have you worship with us!  Come as you are and hear the good news that for unto us a Savior has been born.

Note:  There will not be worship on Christmas day.

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