September 17th Worship Materials

Worship Recording

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God’s work. Our hands. Video

It was another great GWOH Sunday September 10th as the people of God at Bethany dawned their yellow shirts, worshipped our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and then went to work in a variety of service projects. Below is video of the photos taken that day. GWOH is a annual event of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).

GWOH 2023 Video Recap

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Community Hope Chest Update

The Community Hope Chest at Bethany is closing this month. A service of thanksgiving will be held to officially close this ministry immediately following worship September 24th.

We are no longer accepting clothing donations.

This was not an easy decision, but after many years and hundreds of clients served we will say good-bye to the Hope Chest. There was been a substantial decrease in request for clothing. We give thanks for all who donated thousands of articles of clothing and shoes over the years.

We look forward to what God is up to and the new life that may blossom forward in the future.

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September 10th Worship Materials

Worship Recording

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September Newsletter

The September issue of “Bethany Branches” is now available.

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September 3rd Worship Materials

Worship Recording

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August 27th Worship Materials

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Back to School Blessing

Join us in worship this Sunday, August 27th, for a back to school blessing for all of our children and youth!

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Wednesday Faith Formation Kickoff – September 6

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August 20th Worship Materials

Worship Recording

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