Blessing of Students and Teachers this Sunday, August 23 @ 9:00 am

Each and every time we gather for worship is certain to be a glorious time to come together and give our praise to God.  Not only will we have a baptism this Sunday to celebrate the newest member of God’s family at Bethany; but with the start of school next Monday we also invite all students, parents, and educators, aides, administrators, cooks, librarians, janitors, bus drivers, consultants, etc. in our community to attend for a short Blessing and Prayer during worship. Students are invited to bring their backpacks as part of that blessing.  To our older and more mature students we understand if you don’t want to bring your backpack.  Just come and be present as you are as we ask God to care for and watch over you as another year of school begins and you respond to your vocation as a student.

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School Supplies – Thank you!

Thank you to all who contributed to the collection for backpacks. You donated a total of $825 and one backpack was assembled for each grade level K-8. We do have some leftover funds and will either wait until we hear of additional backpack needs before school starts or give it to the school for mid-year supply needs. Thank you! Jill Taylor and Linda Black

Great work people of God. We do God’s work together. This is a truly awesome response to God’s grace! Proud to be a member of Bethany!

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Food Pantry Needs

The August list of most pressing needs at the West Branch Food Pantry List is now available.  Thanks again for your ongoing support of this valuable ministry.

Food Pantry Needs

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August Newsletter

The August Newsletter is done and can be viewed below.

August Newsletter

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VBS 2015

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is underway.  Go to our VBS 2015 Page under the “Youth” Tab or simply click here to be taken to that page where there is a photo gallery, which will be updated periodically throughout the week.

The gallery is also able to be viewed below.

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”2″ gal_title=”VBS 2015″]



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School Supplies Drive

One of the ways Bethany members have served the West Branch community in recent years is by collecting for schools supplies.

Last year it was through a backpack collection.  Bethany members gave $300 to this collection, and with a contribution from the Bethany benevolence account of $200 we ended up contributing six backpacks to the schools.

 These backpacks include: 

  • elementary school – one backpack plus all listed schools supplies
  • middle school – one backpack plus the required calculator

 If you would like to contribute to a backpack for the upcoming school year, please make a check out to Bethany Lutheran and mail it to church (Attn:  backpacks) or put it in the offering plate.  (You can use the pew envelopes to give cash via the Sunday offering–but mark the envelope please) We would like to have all contributions by Sunday, August 9. 

 Thanks for your help with this important project!  If you have any questions please see Linda Black or Jill Taylor.

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“God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday is coming!

Once again this year we will respond to God’s grace by going out with thousands of our sisters and brothers in Christ in the ELCA on a dedicated day of service on September 13 following a shortened worship service.

We would love to have everyone participating in a yellow T-shirt designed for this day.  A sample of that shirt is below and our congregation name will be printed along the back should we get enough shirts ordered.  There are order forms on a table outside the kitchen or you can print one off below and give it to Paula with cash or a check made payable to Bethany by July 26.

Gods Work Our Hands T-shirt order form


God's Work Our Hands T-Shirt

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Quarterly Stewardship Newsletter

The quarterly stewardship newsletter is done and can be viewed below.

June 2015 Quarterly Stewardship Newsletter

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July Food Pantry Need List

Thank you to all for the abundance of donations received for the food pantry.  We are making a huge difference and the list is much shorter this month as the pantry is getting well stocked again.  See the new list below.

West Branch Food Pantry Needs July 2015

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Malaria Campaign Video

Watch the latest video put out by the ELCA Malaria Campaign.  We are nearly to our $15 million goal as a church.  Thanks to all of you here at Bethany.  We gave over $1100 in May to help reach this goal.  That is awesome!  Praise God!

Malaria Video

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