School Supplies Drive

One of the ways Bethany members have served the West Branch community in recent years is by collecting for schools supplies.

Last year it was through a backpack collection.  Bethany members gave $300 to this collection, and with a contribution from the Bethany benevolence account of $200 we ended up contributing six backpacks to the schools.

 These backpacks include: 

  • elementary school – one backpack plus all listed schools supplies
  • middle school – one backpack plus the required calculator

 If you would like to contribute to a backpack for the upcoming school year, please make a check out to Bethany Lutheran and mail it to church (Attn:  backpacks) or put it in the offering plate.  (You can use the pew envelopes to give cash via the Sunday offering–but mark the envelope please) We would like to have all contributions by Sunday, August 9. 

 Thanks for your help with this important project!  If you have any questions please see Linda Black or Jill Taylor.

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