Stewardship Celebration Sunday

Just a friendly reminder that this Sunday, November 1, is Celebration Sunday.  This concludes the formal part of our fall Stewardship campaign and we will be providing a substantial free meal in celebration.  Below is a link to the Time and Talent Sheet in case you have misplaced yours and/or if you did not receive one last Sunday. Please prayerfully consider how you can best support the Church, complete your sheet and bring it to Church this Sunday.  If you are not attending Church this Sunday please give it to a member of the Stewardship Committee, put it in my inbox or return it to Pastor or Paula when you can.
Also, please complete your pledge cards and bring them to Church this Sunday.  Your pledges allow the Church Council to plan for our upcoming fiscal year.  Pledge cards will be available at the church or an image of one is attached below.
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Resource Fair This Sunday

Reminder, there will be a resource fair of faith-filled videos and books that kids will love following worship this Sunday in the Great Hall.  This is provided by Spark House Family.  They are the publisher of the curriculum we use in Sunday school for the younger children.  You will be able to look at some samples and then order products if you like.  For more information and resources from Sparkhouse visit their website by clicking here.

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Outdoor Worship

Outdoor 3Outdoor 4Outdoor 6Praise and thanks to God for blessing us with a beautiful day this past Sunday for our 3rd annual outdoor worship and pet blessing.  Here are some photos from the day.

Outdoor Worship 2015 1

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October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

As the called people of God we cling to the fact part of our mission is to reach out to those in need, those who are vulnerable, those who hurt and in the midst of we find Christ present.  As your pastor, I am always amazed out how faithful this community of faith is to carrying out this aspect of our life together and I know many of you carry this out in your daily lives in a variety of ways.

This month, like last year, we will once again strive to bring awareness to domestic violence and also support the victims of it and the agencies who do God’s work to bring hope, healing, and safety.  In Iowa City that is the Domestic Violence Intervention Program.  I am attaching three images below of items found in the Great Hall. One indicates how we can help.  One gives general statistics about domestic violence we can educate ourselves with and one shows the display in the Great Hall.

Thanks faithful people for all you do!



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Resource Fair is Coming

On October 25 there will be a resource fair of faith-filled videos and books that kids will love.  This is provided by Spark House Family.  They are the publisher of the curriculum we use in Sunday school for the younger children.  You will be able to look at some samples and then order products if you like.  This be in the Great Hall from 10:00 am (following worship) to 10:30 am.

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Quarterly Stewardship Newsletter

The September issue of the Quarterly Stewardship Newsletter is done.  Thanks to the Stewardship Team for assembling and to all the faithful people of God for all you do!

September 2015 Stewardship Newsletter

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God’s work. Our hands.

Check this out on the website of the Southeastern Iowa Synod of whom we partner in ministry.

God’s work. Our hands. Sunday Photos

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October Newsletter

The October Newsletter is done and can be viewed below.  Enjoy!

October 2015 Newsletter

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Adult Discussion Hour

Everyone is invited to the Adult Discussion Class that starts on Sunday October 4th at 10:20 AM in the Small Hall.  We want to have discussions on topics of interest to adults in the congregation, so please bring your ideas on what topics you might want to explore this year.  We will have ideas and suggestions on topics too.  We will discuss what times and discussion formats might work better for the group.  Come and see what Christ can do in your life and faith through discussion, thought, and learning.

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Sunday School

A quick reminder this Sunday in worship we will have presentation of Story Bibles to children age 4 – 3rd grade and regular Bibles to youth in 4th-6th grades.  We will also install Sunday school teachers.  The first official class will be next Sunday, October 4.  There will be education this year for students aged 4 – 6th grade immediately following worship or approximately 10:20 a.m. Please see the schedule below.

2015-2016 Sunday School Schedule


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