April 3rd Worship Materials

4-3 Worship Video

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Worship Moved to Great Hall This Morning

So upon entering our beloved worship space a short while ago I was hit with a wave of cold air and discovered a themostat reading 47 degrees. At some point over the weekend, the furnace has stopped working.

As such, we will gather for worship in the Great Hall. We apologize for this incovenience. We will still stream live via Facebook. Thanks for your patience and understanding and we know that in all things God’s glory will shine and where two or three are present Christ is there among us.

Have a blessed Sunday! You are loved.

Photos below referenced in Pastor Chad’s sermon.

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March 27th Worship Materials

March 27 Worship Recording

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Link to video of waterfalls for March 20th sermon.

Waterfalls of DuPont State Recreational Forest in Cedar Mountain, NC

The sermon can be found here.

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March 20th Worship Materials

Worship Video here.

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March 13th Worship Materials

March 13th Worship Video here.

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Prayer Around the Cross Tonight

If you missed the Service you can see the video by clicking here.

We will stream Prayer Around the Cross live on Facebook. It will begin following a time of fellowship and should start between 7:20-7:30 PM.

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March 6th Worship Materials

March 6 Worship Recording

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Ash Wednesday Service Video

View the Ash Wednesday service by clicking here.

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Ash Wednesday Worship, March 2

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