October Newsletter

The October newsletter is done and can be viewed here.

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Sunday Bulletin 10/4

Here is the bulletin for Sunday. Remember, we will celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion. If you will not be present and would like a prepackaged cup of grape juice and wafer, please contact the church at (319) 643-5998 to arrange pickup or delivery to you. Thanks!

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Link to Worship 9/27

Here is a link to watch worship held earlier this morning.

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Sunday Bulletin

Below is the bulletin for Sunday worship at 9:30 AM outdoors (bring chair and face mask) or online via Facebook.

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Installation of Bishop

Here is our next Bishop of the Southeastern Iowa Synod, Reverend Amy Current as she invites you to join online in worship as she is installed October 10 at 2:00 PM. It will be streamed on the Southeastern Iowa Synod Facebook page.

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9/20 Worship

Here is the link for worship on September 20.

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Lutheran Campus Ministry Update

Last Sunday, Pastor Sarah Goettsch of Lutheran Campus Ministry at the University of Iowa was to join us in worship. Unfortunately, she was unable to be with us but sent her greetings and an update on life at the U. See the attached letter below.

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Worship Bulletin for September 20

Join us Sunday outdoors at 9:30 AM or via Facebook. Here is the bulletin.

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Building Closure

See the attached letter on updates from Monday’s council meeting.

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Faith Formation Ages 2-8

This is an exciting opportunity for children ages 2-8. You can register online here. (Deadline is September 18) See letter below for additional information.

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