New Study Coming Soon

Our ladies Bible Study has been meeting at Bethany for over seven years.  We have forged wonderful friendships and strengthened our faith together.  We are about to embark on a new journey towards growing in our faith and improving our health, and would like to invite you (men included) to join us.

The Daniel Plan is a healthy lifestyle program founded on biblical principles and focused on Faith, Food, Fitness, Focus and Friends.  The program offers a simple and relaxed approach to achieving a healthy lifestyle where friends get healthier together.  Each principle supports and influences the others, offering a practical step-by-step approach for anyone to follow.

Faith and Friends are what they call the “secret sauce” that makes The Daniel Plan so effective.  The program is done with a supportive community of friends because God designed us to thrive in relationships.  With the support of God and your group, you have far more than just willpower helping you to make positive and lasting lifestyle changes.

The overarching message of The Daniel Plan is about abundance, not deprivation.  The Daniel Plan teaches simple ways to incorporate healthy choices into your current lifestyle.  Throughout the program you are encouraged to rely on God’s power, and the application of dependable biblical principles.

Beginning on Thursday, January 29, we will be meeting once a week, for six weeks, from 6:30-8:30 pm at Bethany to share our support with each other as we implement The Daniel Plan.  These low key gatherings will include watching the weekly video, exercise, sharing and preparing healthy recipes and discussions to offer support and answer questions.  There is no cost for this group, but you would benefit most if you had a copy of the book and journal, available at most any book store or through Amazon.

We are setting a goal for later in the spring or summer, to complete a half marathon walk, possibly in Chicago or Nashville.  This is still something we are exploring, so there is nothing definite for this yet.

The wonderful thing about this plan is that it is so private and individualized for each of us as far as what goals we set of ourselves, yet the community support will hopefully energize us and keep us motivated to help each other and achieve our goals.

We hope you will commit to join us on our journey, either for all or some f the activities we have planned.

In Christ, Euyln F., Kelle M., Lisa Z., Tami M.

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