Author Archives: Pastor

Lutheran Campus Ministry Open House

We are invited to attend an open house for Lutheran Campus Ministry at the University of Iowa on Sunday, August 21 from noon – 3:00 p.m.  Christus House is located just west of Gloria Dei Lutheran at 123 Market St. … Continue reading

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August Newsletter

The August Newsletter is now available.  Click here to be taken to that page.

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Community Prayer Service for Peace and Healing

Community Prayer Service for Peace and Healing this Sunday, July 24 at 6:15 p.m. at Bethany Lutheran Church. Pass the word. This event is sponsored by the West Branch Area Religious Council.

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New App from Augsburg Fortress

Augsburg Fortress, the publishing house of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, recently introduced their first mobile app featuring Luther’s Small Catechism.  This short resource is Luther’s guide to the basics of the Christian faith.  This app can be downloaded … Continue reading

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God’s work. Our hands. Sunday – It’s coming September 11

Here is a video clip from the ELCA of 2015 highlights to get the excitement rolling for this year. ELCA Video of 2015 God’s work. Our hands. Sunday 

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Adult Bible School Opportunity at Zion Lutheran Iowa City

Bethany members have been invited to attend the 8th Annual Adult Vacation Bible School at Zion Lutheran Church in Iowa City, August 1-5.  This course will meet daily from 8:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.  This year’s theme is “Fresh Perspectives … Continue reading

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New Small Group Opportunity

Are you interested in learning more about prayer?  Spending a bit of time with your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ?  Reading a good book? Pastor Chad is gauging interest.  Click below to see a flier and let Pastor Chad … Continue reading

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West Branch Food Pantry Needs

Here is a list of current Food Pantry needs.  Thanks Neil and Chris for putting this together each month. Food Pantry Needs

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VBS 2016 is Here!

We are having an awesome day and God’s love is being proclaimed to a great and large group of children.  Here are some photos.  Check back throughout the week or visit our Facebook page.  Search “Bethany Lutheran Church (ELCA) West … Continue reading

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Bishop Statement on Orlando Shootings

In the wake of the horrific and awful tragedy in Orlando yesterday we pray.  We pray for all.  We pray for peace.  We pray for healing.  We pray for those who died.  We pray for those injured.  We pray for … Continue reading

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