June/July Newsletter

The June/July edition of Bethany Branches is now available by clicking here.

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June 2 Worship Materials

Worship Recording

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Tornado Relief

Are you wondering how you can be the hands and feet of Christ to our fellow neighbors in their time of need following recent tornadoes and violent storms? One way is to make a donation to Lutheran Disaster Response.

Additionally, the office of the Bishop in the latest weekly e-news shared a resource from the Western Iowa Synod on ways to assist tornado victims. That can be found here.

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May 26th Worship Materials

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No Community Meal in May

Due to the Memorial Day weekend and also that it’s graduation Sunday, there will be no fourth Sunday community meal this month. Please stay tuned on when the next meal is. If you are willing to provide a meal, please contact Pat C. Thank you!

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May 19th Worship Materials

Worship Recording

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Stewardship Page

Please visit our new stewardship page, which the committee will be working on to update.

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Did you know? Bethany is part of the West Branch Area Religious Council (WBARC – pronounce we-bark for short). Other congregations part of this council are: Springdale United Methodist Church, St. Bernadette’s Catholic Church, West Branch Friends Church, West Branch United Methodist Church, and West Branch Friends Meeting Conservative. Pastor Chad currently serves as Treasurer and has for many years. Judy Cottingham of West Branch Friends Meeting Conservative serves as President. Pastor Chris Humrichouse of West Branch Friends Church serves as Secretary. We meet monthly September – May. Also present are Officer Cathy Steen of the West Branch Police Department and generally a school counsellor or liaison. Both of these individuals provide valuable input on the pulse of needs in our schools and community.

Our mission is “to foster interfaith connections in order to address needs as they arise in our community.” Below is a copy of the 2023 Annual Report prepared by WBARC Treasurer, Pastor Chad Whaley. In 2024, we have already provided gift cards to the school to assist with clothing needs and other needs as they arise, food vouchers to Jack and Jill, and recently a donation to a group providing supplies for four students in need due to a variety of living arrangements. In April, we reconvened our annual pulpit exchange as a leader from each congregation visited another congregation and shared greetings and in some cases preached and led worship. If you have any questions about WBARC, please direct them to Pastor Chad.

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May 5 and 12 Worship Recordings

Worship Recording (May 12)

Worship Recording (May 5)

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May Newsletter

The May edition of Bethany Branches is now available.

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