April Newslette

The April Newsletter is done and can be viewed by clicking here.

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Christ is Risen! Alleluia!

Happy Easter!  Once again, it is not too late to join us for worship at 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.

If you can’t, we wish you a blessed Easter.  Here is a link to Pastor Chad’s sermon this morning.

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Easter Greeting from Bishop Eaton

An Easter Greeting from ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton.  Click here to be taken to the video.


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Holy Week Worship Services

We will gather for worship at the following times this blessed Holy Week.

Maundy Thursday, March 24 – 7:00 pm at Springdale United Methodist Church (Combined worship service between Bethany Lutheran, West Branch UMC, and Springdale UMC)

Good Friday, March 25 – 7:00 pm at Bethany Lutheran Church (Combined worship service)

Easter @ Bethany – 8:00 am and 10:00 am (Not a combined service)

Remember, we welcome all!  Come as you are!  Come and hear the good news of what God has done through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior!

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Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday is next week, March 20 and all our younger youth (and older if they want) are invited to arrive about 15 minutes early, line up in the Great Hall with a palm and process in to worship. Hope to see a big group!

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Church Custodian Opening

Due to a recent injury, Curt Casper is resigning as our church custodian.  Curt has done an exceptional job in this capacity and we are grateful for his service and wish him a speedy recovery.  Dave Bahnsen has been filling in the last couple weeks and has done a great job and we are thankful for his service.
With that said, we will be seeking a new custodian to fill the position immediately.  All candidates will need to be interviewed, with a final vote on the hire by Council.  Members of Bethany or Bethany family members will be given priority over non-member applicants.  See job description and requirements below.  Please email or contact John Black ([email protected]) or Pastor ([email protected]) if you have an interest or know someone who does.
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God’s Work. Our Hands. Sunday 2016 – Save the Date!

Bethany will again plan to join with other congregations throughout the ELCA on Sunday, September 11 as we respond to God’s amazing grace in a dedicated day of service (even though each day our lives as disciples respond and reflect the love, grace, and goodness of God in service to our neighbor).

Look for more information to come.

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Synod Newsletter Available

The latest edition of the Southeastern Iowa Synod Newsletter is available now.  In case you didn’t know Bethany is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)             Within the ELCA there are 65 synods.  Each synod has its own Bishop who partners with various congregations within those synods.  Bethany is part of the Southeastern Iowa Synod.  The synod office is located in Iowa City.  Our synod spans from just west of Des Moines and then runs along highway 30 east to the Mississippi and all the way south to Missouri.  There are also congregations north of highway 30 especially on the east side as our synod stretches into Jackson County just south of Dubuque.

Biannual Synod Newsletter

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March Newsletter

The March newsletter is done and can be viewed here.

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Lent Meal and Worship – We are about ready for Week 1

It’s almost time.  We hope you are here tonight.  Meal starts at 6 and goes to 6:45 or while food lasts.  Worship is at 7.  Below are some photos.  We invite all to come and eat or worship.  Come as you are whether in your blue jeans, sweats, etc.  This is a shortened worship service and we would love to have you join us.

PAC 2016a

PAC 2016

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