Fourth Sunday Dinner Cancelled

Due to the snow that has finally started to fall and potential high winds later on we are cancelling the community dinner this evening.

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Worship and Weather November 25

Good morning!
I have had a couple inquires about whether or not worship is still on for this morning and the answer is yes. However, as always if conditions deteriorate please use your judgement on whether or not to venture out. Your safety is always important!
If conditions do deteriorate significantly throughout the day and the wind picks up, I suspect we may cancel the Community Dinner at Bethany this evening. Another email will be sent and notice will be placed on our website and reported to KGAN (Channel 2) if we do make that decision.
Thanks and stay safe!
Pastor Chad
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Angel Tree 2018

Please see the note below from Jeni Schiele.
We have been given 5 families this year from WBCSD for the Angel Tree project.  We will be using an online signup again this year to get the info out in time for Black Friday shopping.
Please return wrapped and labeled gifts (letter and age) to Bethany by December 5, 2018.
You can write checks to WBCSD to be put toward lunch and milk accounts in need.  Feel free to place those in my mailbox or take them to school directly.
You may also write checks to Bethany to be used for shopping for items that remain in the signup at the end.  Please put Angel Tree in the memo and place them in the offering.
I have included all size and like info that I received in the signup. To be taken to the online signup please click here.
Thanks for all you do in this ministry.
Jeni Schiele
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November Newsletter

The November newsletter is done and can be viewed by clicking here.

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Bishop Eaton Response to Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting

Here is a link to ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth’s Statement on horrific tragedy this past Saturday. Click here to be taken to that statement.

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Community Service of Unity, Peace, and Healing

Twice a year the churches of West Branch and Springdale that form a partnership known as West Branch Area Religious Council (WBARC) host a Community Service of Unity, Healing, and Peace. This is open to all people of any faith tradition or who have are not religious. This is open to ALL people! Here is a flier with more information on the October 28th event.

Prayer for Unity and Peace

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October Newsletter

The October newsletter is now available by clicking here.

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God’s work, Our Hands 2018

We had an awesome day yesterday for God’s work, Our hands. We gathered for breakfast and worship and then were sent to do God’s work. We made personal care kits for Lutheran World Relief, quilts for various places and people, work around the church property, and several projects at the West Branch Library such as grounds work, painting exterior window trim, and painting of a meeting room inside used my many people and groups in our community. It was a great day! Here are some photos of the day.

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”17″ gal_title=”Gods Work Our Hands 2018″]

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September Food Pantry Needs

The current food pantry needs has been updated and available by clicking here.

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September Newsletter

The September Newsletter is done and can be viewed here.

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