Christmas Caroling

On December 22nd following worship at approximately 10:30 a.m. we will go sing Christmas hymns to the residents of Crestview Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. See the flier below!

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Advent Greetings from Bishop Burk

Click here to be taken to a short video from Bishop Burk.

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December Newsletter

The December Newsletter is now available and can be viewed here.

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Angel Tree 2019

Once again Bethany will be participating in the Angel Tree project. We will be using an online signup again this year to get the info out in time for Black Friday shopping. Updates will be made by Jeni periodically as more families may be added so be sure to check back periodically. Thanks everyone for your help on this. See Jeni Schiele with any questions. Click here to be taken to the Signup Genius page.

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Lutheran Chaplaincy Outreach Newsletter

Please find attached the latest Newsletter from Pastor Cindy Breed and the ministry of Lutheran Chaplaincy Outreach at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. This is a ministry that has touched countless lives over the years.

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Share Your Faith Story

Do you have a story? Of course you do. We all do. Would you please consider sharing a very short story about your relationship with Jesus with our 7 awesome confirmation students. See the video below for more information and click here to be taken to SignUp Genius for an online signup.

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November Newsletter

The Newsletter is now available by clicking here.

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Council Minutes

You can now find the most recently approved council minutes here. Hover your cursor over the “About Us” tab and then hover it over “Council” in the drop-down box that appears. You will then notice a new box open to your right and click on “Council Minutes” to be taken to that page.

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Living Lutheran Synod Insert

Each quarter, the Southeastern Iowa Synod has an insert in the Living Lutheran magazine. You can find that insert below.

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October Newsletter

The October Newsletter is done and can be viewed here.

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