Category Archives: Worship

First Communion Class!

When:  Monday, October 20th at 6:00 pm Where:  Small Hall All parents and children interested in beginning to receive the sacrament of holy communion are invited to attend.  First-communion will be held on Reformation Sunday, October 26.  It is our … Continue reading

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Choir is Coming!

Choir practice will begin on Wednesday, September 10 at 6:15 pm – 7:00 pm.  This is a wonderful way to participate and the choir greatly enriches our worship experience.  If you are interested in singing please see Deanna Weismann.  We … Continue reading

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Outdoor Worship with Pet Blessing

Join us once again as we worship outdoors in the grandeur of God’s creation.  This will happen on Sunday, September 28 at 9:00 a.m.  All are invited to bring a lawn chair and also their pet if so desired.  A … Continue reading

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Minister of Christ’s Light (Acolyte) Training

We will be having an orientation session for youth interested in becoming Ministers of Christ’s Light (aka Acolytes).  This class will be held on August 24th following worship.  We will gather in the small fellowship hall and then head up … Continue reading

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Holy Week Worship Schedule

Remember, we are once again joining with our sisters and brothers in Christ of the West Branch United Methodist Church and Springdale United Methodist Church in worship for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.  Bethany hosted Ash Wednesday earlier and the … Continue reading

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Altar Guild Training Cancelled

The Altar Guild Training and Worship Committee meeting scheduled for tonight, Monday January, 27th has been cancelled.  A makeup time has not yet been determined so please stay tuned for additional information.

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Altar Guild Meeting

Have you ever wondered how you might serve God at Bethany?  There are many ministry opportunities.  One of those is serving on the Altar Guild.  This ministry involves making sure the altar is prepared for Sunday worship or any other … Continue reading

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Come meet the Bishop

Bishop Michael Burk of the Southeastern Iowa Synod will join us for worship on Sunday, January 26th.  He will preach and then be available during the Adult Forum following worship for a time of questions and answers.  Please come and … Continue reading

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Outdoor Worship and Pet Blessing Photos

The outdoor worship with a pet blessing went fabulously this past Sunday.  We heard good things from several of you and the worship and stewardship committees will plan on making this an annual event.  Below are some photos from the … Continue reading

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Outdoor Worship Service and Blessing of Pets

The stewardship and worship committees invite you to a day in which we give thanks to God for the beautiful and bountiful creation God has surrounded us with. As such, our worship service that morning will be outside. The service … Continue reading

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