Author Archives: Pastor

Angel Tree

Please see the note below from Jeni S. regarding the Angel Tree. We are doing God’s Work with Our Hands again this year!  Thanks so much for all who have taken ornaments from the tree in the Great Hall.  You … Continue reading

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There will not be an EPIC meeting this Sunday night, December 15th, as originally scheduled.  Instead, EPIC will be meeting Thursday, December 19th, at Jeni’s house.  Please plan to arrive between 5:30 and 6.  If you have any questions please … Continue reading

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December Newsletter

The December Newsletter is done and can be viewed now. December 2013 Newsletter

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Amendments to the Constitution

At the 2013 Churchwide Assembly this past August, a number of mandatory amendments to the Model Constitution for Congregations were adopted.  These amendments are required to be added to Bethany’s constitution and approved at our annual meeting which will be … Continue reading

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Annual Meeting

The annual meeting has been scheduled for Sunday January 19, 2014 immediately following worship.  Please plan to attend.

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Newsletter Information Deadline

We do our best to make sure the newsletter gets out on time.  As we work to make every effort this is done we are asking that any and all information you wish to have in the upcoming newsletter be … Continue reading

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November Newsletter

The November Newsletter is done and attached below. November 2013 Newsletter

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EPIC Fellowship

The youth of EPIC will be serving cinnamon rolls and other treats during fellowship hour following worship on November 10.  They would appreciate donations that will be used to make Chemo Bags to be delivered to the cancer center at … Continue reading

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Book Study

During the month of November the Adult Forum following worship will be studying the book Exodus from Hunger by David Beckmann who is president of Bread for the World and a Lutheran pastor.  More information on the book can be found here. … Continue reading

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Women’s Group

All women are invited to attend a time of study and discussion on Thursday evenings at 7:00 at Bethany.  The group will not meet Thursday October 31 (Halloween) or Thursday November 28 (Thanksgiving).  Currently the group is doing a study … Continue reading

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