Stewardship Newsletter

The latest edition of the quarterly Stewardship Newsletter is now done and can be viewed here.  Enjoy and thanks Stewardship Team!

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Food Pantry Needs

The new list of some of the most needed items at the Food Pantry is now available.  Click here to be taken to it.

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January Newsletter

Happy New Year!  The January 2016 Newsletter is now available.


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Merry Christmas!

Another Christmas Eve is upon us with a bit unusual and unexpected weather I might add. I think it is the first time in my 43 years we were under a tornado watch on December 23. Life is full of twists and turns – unexpected happenings and outcomes.  Sometimes those are good and other times not so good.  That first Christmas God certainly didn’t meet the world’s expectations in coming to earth in a completely new way.  The way God came was one not of power, fame, and fortune but rather to a remote village of no significance, to an unwed teenage girl who gave birth in a stable.  Things don’t always go as planned but the promise holds true that God meets us no matter where that is or what has happened.  On this holy day, my prayer is the peace of God which has come to us that first Christmas in a babe wrapped in cloths be with you!  May you know, feel, and trust the wonderful, grace-filled, love God has for you and for all!  Merry Christmas! – Pastor Chad

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Christmas Message from Bishop Eaton

ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton delivers a Christmas message to all.  You can see it by clicking here.

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Christmas Eve Worship

Worship Times for Christmas Eve 2o15 (Both services are Candlelight services and will include the sacrament of Holy Communion) are 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.

This is one of the most cherished evenings in the life of the church.  We welcome anyone, whether a lifelong church goer or one who has never stepped foot in the doors of a church, to come and worship with us this Christmas Eve.  We believe God is in the midst of all we do and if you are reading this post then somehow and someway God has led you to our site and is calling you to hear the wonderful news of God’s love which has come to us in the birth of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.  We can’t wait to see you and share this special night together in worship and praise!


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Confirmation Update

Affirmation of Baptism or Confirmation has concluded for 2015 and will resume on January 6, 2016.  Thanks to all the youth and parents for attending, participating, and providing meals.  Here are a couple photos from last night and I even got these 3 fine young men to be shepherds in a skit.

Confirmation 1Confirmation 3

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Angel Tree 2015

Wow!  The faithful people of God at Bethany have once again responded to God’s grace and love by reaching out and serving the neighbor.  This is part our mission as God’s people.  Many thanks to Jeni for organizing this.  Below are some photos of all the much needed gifts and also thanks to the confirmation students and a few others for helping wrap last night.

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”9″ gal_title=”Angel Tree 2016″]

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Let’s Go Caroling!

Let’s gather together for some Christmas caroling, fellowship, and fun!

When:  Sunday, December 20 @ 4:00 p.m.

Where:  Meet at the Crestview Nursing Center Lobby

Following:  5:00 p.m. Supper @ Mexico Lindo Restaurant

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Christmas Program

Here are photos from an excellent Christmas Program yesterday.  Thanks Amber and children for proclaiming the good news of God to the people of Bethany!

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”10″ gal_title=”Christmas Program 2015″]

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