LSI Video

Watch this powerful video from our partner in ministry, Lutheran Services in Iowa. Once again a wonderful expression of God’s redeeming and saving work in the world.

Sofia’s Story


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June-July Newsletter

Click here for the latest newsletter.

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Congratulations Cole!

With thanksgiving, we congratulate our newest student to affirm their baptism. Congratulations Cole!

Confirmation 2018

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ELCA 2017 in Review

Here is a short video on our shared ministry together in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).

2017 in Review

Here is another great video recently released from the ELCA about being Lutheran.

We are Lutheran

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VBS Help

Below is a photo of the signup sheet listed on the bulletin board outside the kitchen.

Vacation Bible School has been a long established ministry opportunity of Bethany. It is one of those wonderful opportunities we have to tell about and share the love of Christ with children of Bethany Lutheran and children who come and are not affiliated with a church. In order for us to move forward, it is imperative we have all hands on deck.

Please note the shifts for helping in the classrooms require simply being present and helping the counselor from Camp EWALU as needed. You will not be teaching. If you can volunteer for one time slot during the week that would be great. Thank you!

VBS Volunteer

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May Newsletter

The Newsletter is done and can be viewed here.

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Special Congregational Meeting

A special congregational meeting was announced and called by Council President Beth Kaufman during worship April 29th. The meeting will be held Sunday, May 13 immediately following worship. The Council realizes this is Mother’s Day and also recognition of our high school graduates during worship with cake to follow. We anticipate this meeting and vote to be very brief. The purpose of this meeting is for the Council to enter into a contract of $6,426.54 with White Dove Electronics to install acoustic tiles on the walls in the Great Hall. This will improve the sound quality in that large space by reducing echo and noise. A team has diligently researched this project to find the best and most cost effective proposal. Our Constitution warrants the Council cannot enter into a contract in excess of $5,000 without congregational approval (C12.05.d); hence, the reason for a special meeting and vote. We encourage you to attend and need a minimum 30 voting members present (C10.04). 

A voting member, per our Constitution, is a confirmed member who “during the current or preceeding calendar year, shall have communed in this congregation and shall have made contribution of record to this congregation” (C8.02.c).

Many years ago the Council looked into a similar project and sought gifts to be directed toward this. Currently, that fund contains $1,638. Additionally, we recently received a generous gift that would cover the remaining cost.

Once again, your attendance is appreciated and vital as a member of this church. Please see Jamie Zimmerman, John Black, or Linda Black with any questions. 

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Community Prayer Service of Unity, Peace, and Healing

See the attached flier for more information. We hope you can join us. This will be a short service. Last fall, those who attended, found it to be a powerful and moving service.

Prayer Service Flier

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VBS 2018

Registration is now open for Vacation Bible School 2018. Click here to be taken to our VBS 2018 page for more information and registration and volunteer forms.

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Christ is Risen! Alleluia!

What a great Easter worship just a few days ago! But each day as a disciple of Christ is truly an opportunity to proclaim and live out the good news of Easter. Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again. Alleluia! Here is a photo of the lilies and cross adorned with white – the color of light, gladness and joy in Christ!

easter 2018a

Easter 2018

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