Bishop Burk Letter June 8, 2020

Click here for the latest letter from Bishop Michael Burk of the Southeastern Iowa Synod and an invitation to join the recently formed Southeastern Iowa Synod Anti-Racism Network.

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Bishop Eaton Letter

In these challenges times and days, please see the letter below from ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton.

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Worship Bulletin

Sunday’s worship bulletin can be found below. 9:30 AM on Facebook. Bishop Elizabeth Eaton of the ELCA delivers the sermon this week. Don’t forget to join us for virtual fellowship following worship at 10:30 AM. The link is found on the back page of the bulletin.

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June/July Newsletter

The June/July Newsletter is now available and can be viewed here.

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Updates to Building Closure

Please see the attached letter below from Council President Del Hughes on behalf of the Executive Committee.

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Worship Bulletin for Pentecost

Here is the bulletin for this Sunday, May 31st which is Pentecost.

Also, see a flier on a new virtual fellowship opportunity.

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May 24 Worship Video

Here is the recording of worship this morning. Enjoy! Thanks be to God for technology.

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Sunday Worship Bulletin

Here is a copy of Sunday’s worship bulletin. 9:30 AM on Facebook. We will be lifting up and praying for our high school graduates: Jaylen Votroubek, Matt Paulsen, Mia Olson, and Matt Whaley.

A children’s sermon and other children activities can be found here.

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May 17 Worship

A video of this morning’s worship can be viewed here.

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Worship Bulletin for May 17

Here is the order of worship for this Sunday. 9:30 AM on Facebook.

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