October 18 Worship

Click here to be taken to the video from this morning’s worship.

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No Outdoor Worship Tomorrow

With the forecast of near freezing temperatures overnight, precipitation in the form of rain and even one beginning with the letter “s” we won’t even mention because none of us are ready for it yet, we will forego outdoor worship tomorrow. In the event conditions prove otherwise, we will communicate accordingly. Join us live on Facebook at 9:30 AM.

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October 18 Worship Bulletin

See the bulletin attached below for this Sunday.

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Take Home Faith Formation Kit (2-8 year olds)

The next series in Bethany’s take home faith formation kits for children 2-8 will soon be available. To reserve your copy, register now here.

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October 11 Worship Link

Click here to watch a recording of worship yesterday.

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Worship Link

If you were unable to make it live, here is a link to watch this morning’s worship.

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Worship Today

While brisk, the sun is out and there is no wind so we are going to proceed outdoors. We have decided to celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion today for those willing to brave the cold and also next Sunday, as next week as of now looks much warmer.

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October Newsletter

The October newsletter is done and can be viewed here.

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Sunday Bulletin 10/4

Here is the bulletin for Sunday. Remember, we will celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion. If you will not be present and would like a prepackaged cup of grape juice and wafer, please contact the church at (319) 643-5998 to arrange pickup or delivery to you. Thanks!

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Link to Worship 9/27

Here is a link to watch worship held earlier this morning.

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