Come meet the Bishop

Bishop Michael Burk of the Southeastern Iowa Synod will join us for worship on Sunday, January 26th.  He will preach and then be available during the Adult Forum following worship for a time of questions and answers.  Please come and welcome Bishop Burk to Bethany!

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EPIC will not be meeting this Sunday, January 19.  Look for a new date to be set shortly.

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Sunday Adult Forum

Beginning this Sunday, January 5, please join us in the Small Hall for a discussion on the ELCA Social Statement Freed in Christ:  Race, Ethnicity, and Culture.  A copy of that statement is attached below for your review prior to Sunday.

Race, Ethnicity, and Culture ELCA Social Statement

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January Newsletter

The January edition of the newsletter is done.  Hope you enjoy!

January 2014 Newsletter

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Merry Christmas!

“The angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid; for see – I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people:  to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord.'” – Luke 2:10-11

This passage from the birth narrative of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ says it all.  May the peace of Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit surround you!

Merry Christmas!

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Sunday Worship Cancelled – December 22

Please be advised that worship services and all other activities have been cancelled this morning.  Please be safe and have a blessed day!  Christmas Eve services are at 5:00 and 8:00 p.m.

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Stewardship Newsletter

Here is the latest edition of the quarterly stewardship newsletter.  Thanks to the stewardship team for putting it together!

Stewardship Newsletter

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Angel Tree

The Angel Tree is overflowing with gifts to help those in the W.B. community.  Thanks once again faithful people of Bethany for being God’s hands in the world.

2013 Angel Tree

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Chemo Bags

The Chemo bags were delivered yesterday to the Iowa City Cancer Treatment Center by several of the EPIC youth.  They were well received and appreciated.  Thanks to all the youth who took the time to make these, the adults who helped, and all who gave money so the supplies could be purchased.  Thanks to Barb for making bags this year.

Chemo Bags

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Weather Cancellation Reminder

In the event we need to cancel worship at Bethany due to inclement weather notification will be done in the following formats.  There will be a post on this page and on Bethany’s Facebook page.  There will be an email sent out to all Bethany members who have provided an email address.  Notification will also be provided to KCRG and KWWL television stations.  These will be the primary means of notification.  If none of the above means work for you please contact Paula so we can make other arrangements.  Thanks!

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