Our Mission
“To grow so deep in Christ through worship, education, and fellowship
that we celebrate by reaching out to others.”
Our Values
Jesus is life. The rest is details.
We strive to be unapologetically Christ-centered in all that we do.
Lost people matter to God so they also matter to us.
The unchurched community beyond Bethany is our mission field and the place of our focused outreach. We reach out with both the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. (“Love your neighbor” and “make disciples”)
We embrace Lutheran theology: grace, faith, Word, and Christ alone.
Worship is for giving God the glory.
Traditions and innovations are useful only as they bring glory to God. Our personal preferences are secondary.
Following Jesus is a growing experience.
Our goal is to help each member grow in faith through intentional discipleship ministries. Our vision is to see each person become a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ, saved by grace.
We value Christian community.
We value building Christian community. Jesus called the church His body and gave us all gifts so that by serving together (with each gift needed) we might build each other up and bring glory to God. Spiritual growth, care, and mission can only happen in community. That means that in addition to corporate worship a disciple needs to gather regularly with other believers for mutual encouragement, support, accountability, and service.