About Us

ExteriorBethany Lutheran Church is a growing congregation with a heart for mission. At Bethany you will find a warm and open community where people of all ages and walks of life come together in the name of Jesus Christ.

A full range of ministries include: children and youth faith formation, men’s and women’s ministries, Bible studies and other ministries such as Quilters, Vacation Bible School, and fellowship events.

We are part of the Southeastern Iowa Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).

Click here to be taken to a video prepared for our 125th Anniversary Celebration that gives a overview of our history.

Contact Information

Mailing Address: PO Box 236, West Branch, IA  52358

Street Address: 235 S. 2nd St., West Branch, IA

Phone Number: (319) 643-5998

Email:  Administrative Assistant Paula ([email protected]); Pastor Chad ([email protected])